題 名 | 南海仲裁案與太平島法律地位--臺灣觀點=The South China Sea Arbitration Case and Legal Status of Taiping Island--Taiwan's View |
作 者 | 宋燕輝; | 書刊名 | 中華國際法與超國界法評論 |
卷 期 | 11:2 2015.12[民104.12] |
頁 次 | 頁181-203 |
分類號 | 579.14 |
關鍵詞 | 太平島; 臺灣; 第一百二十一條; 聯合國海洋法公約; 仲裁; 南海; Taiping Island; Taiwan; Article 121; UNCLOS; Arbitration; South China Sea; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 菲律賓政府在南海仲裁案的論述中指出:所有南沙群島的地物無法維持人類居住或有他們自己的經濟生活。即便是南沙群島中之最大島-太平島,僅是一個岩塊,因此依據一九八二年的《聯合國海洋法公約》,沒有劃定一個二百海里專屬經濟海域的海洋權利。究竟太平島是否可以維持人類居住或有其自己的經濟生活?太平島是否有權主張劃定一個二百海里專屬經濟海域或大陸礁層?本文主要目的係由臺灣觀點回答此些問題。臺灣的立場是:太平島是一個具有充分資格的島嶼,因此依據《聯合國海洋法公約》第一百二十一條規定的確可以主張劃定二百海里專屬經濟海域。 |
英文摘要 | The government of the Philippines argues in the South China Sea arbitration case that all features in the Spratly archipelago are incapable of sustaining human habitation or economic life of their own. Even the largest feature in the Spratlys, that is, Taiping Island (Itu Aba), is a “rock” and accordingly, cannot generate maritime entitlement to a 200 nautical miles Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) under UNCLOS. Is Taiping Island an “island” or a “rock” under the UNCLOS?Is Taiping Island capable of sustaining human habitation or economic life of its own? Is Taiping Island entitled to generate a 200-nm EEZ or a continental shelf? The purpose of this article is to answer these questions from the perspective of Taiwan. It is Taiwan’s position that Taiping Islands is “a full-fledged island” and therefore can generate a 200-nm EEZ in accordance with Article 121 of UNCLOS. |