題 名 | 辨識易混淆中藥材人才培訓=TCM Identification Personnel Training |
作 者 | 何玉鈴; 張永勳; 高駿彬; 張懿文; 蕭惠薰; 吳坤璋; | 書刊名 | 中醫藥年報 |
卷 期 | 3 2014.12[民103.12] |
頁 次 | 頁(93)1-(93)60 |
分類號 | 414.32 |
關鍵詞 | 中藥鑑定; 誤用混用中藥; 人才培訓; 研討會; 用藥安全; Herbs identification; Misused Chinese crude drug species; Chinese Materia medica; Personnel training; Drug safety; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 藥材的同物異名、同名異物、品種混亂現象普遍存在,因而影響藥材之品質與療效,甚至中毒之情形發生。傳統中藥廠在政府大力輔導之下,已全面提升為 GMP藥廠,由於傳統藥廠在未提升為 GMP藥廠前,不能申請新藥查驗登記,因此於實施 GMP後,許多的藥廠便致力於申請新藥的查驗登記以擴展市場,但許多藥廠在文件審核後送驗藥材時,食品藥物管理局發現有許多藥材混誤用之情形,本計畫已於 102年 5月 8日假衛生福利部中醫藥司召開「查驗登記誤用、混用中藥材座談會」,討論分析申請查驗登記誤用、混用中藥材在中藥藥品許可證中之正確基原及其誤用原因,及臺灣市售易混淆中藥材圖譜海報內容,也確定北中南三場次之時間及地點。 本計畫已在北、中、南三地舉辦 3梯次為期三天(共 9天)之「中藥從業人員中藥材辨識研習會」,台北場有 142人、台中場有 138人、台南場有 154人,三場共有 434人報名參加,參與學員以中藥進口商、藥師、中藥廠相關品管人員、中藥從業人員及中醫師為主,並提供每位學員台灣市售易混淆中藥真偽品藥材對照標本一份(約 160種),供上課比對及日後參考,並舉辦課前及課後測驗,以評估學習之成效。另每位學員也將發給台灣市售易混淆中藥海報一份,並鼓勵學員張貼海報於工作場所,達到廣為宣導之目的,也提供學員自我進修之管道。研習會邀請衛生福利部食品藥物管理署官員及學術界之中藥鑑定專家學者擔任講員,本計畫之成果將可強化中藥專業人才藥材鑑定及檢驗能力,提供中醫界、中藥界及各中藥廠參考,做到「藥知病用,醫知藥情」,以達到全面提昇中藥品質之理想。 |
英文摘要 | Homonymic names and multiple names are common in Chinese crude drugs. Adulteration with different species will influence the quality and efficacy of the drugs and even cause poisoning. Under tremendous support from the government, traditional herbal factories have all been advanced into GMP pharmaceuticals. Before such promotion, they were unable to apply for licensure of new drugs; therefore after the implementation of GMP, many pharmaceutical companies have been devoted to the license application of new drugs in order to expand their market. However when the specimens had been submitted to the Food and Drug Administration for inspection, many crude drugs were found to be misused. This project held a “Panel Discussion on the Inspection and Registration of Commonly Confused and Misused Chinese Crude Drugs” on May 8, 2013 to discuss and analyze the reasons behind misusages of commonly confused Chinese crude drugs, discuss the contents of “Atlas of Commonly Misused Chinese Crude Drug Species in Taiwan” and confirm time and place of 3 sessions. In this project, we held 3 sessions of 3-day workshops (a total of 9 days) on “Commonly Misused Chinese Crude Drugs in TCM Pharmaceutical Factories” (142 people in Taipei, 138 people in Taichung and 154 people in Tainan, total 434 people) for herbal importers, pharmacists, quality control workmen, traditional Chinese medicine practitioners and traditional Chinese physician. Each participant will receive a package of crude drug specimens (about 160 items), including true and counterfeit TCM herbs to make comparison with during the workshop and for future reference. Identification tests will be held before and after the courses to evaluate the progress of participants. we've provided each participant a set of posters on commonly misused Chinese herb species to post in their working environments for public education. Officials from the Food and Drug Administration, Department of Health, Executive Yuan and Chinese crude drug authenticating experts from academic institutes will be invited as speakers. It is anticipated that the end results of this project will enhance the identification capabilities of workmen in the spectrum of traditional Chinese medicine and provide reference to them. The ultimate goal is to raise TCM quality thoroughly, as described by an old Chinese saying, “physicians are familiar with the nature of medicines, and appropriate medicines are used for the corresponding diseases.” |