題 名 | 2015年臺北區愛滋感染者感染急性病毒性A型肝炎疑似本土群聚事=A Cluster of Indigenous Acute Hepatitis A in HIV Patients, Taipei, Taiwan, 2015 |
作 者 | 洪美蘭; 陳思璇; 張家瑜; 蔡玉芳; 蘇迎士; 吳俊賢; 顏哲傑; 洪美蘭; 吳俊賢; 張家瑜; 蘇迎士; 蔡玉芳; 陳思璇; 顏哲傑; | 書刊名 | 疫情報導 |
卷 期 | 31:19 2015.10.13[民104.10.13] |
頁 次 | 頁480-485 |
分類號 | 412.4 |
關鍵詞 | A型肝炎; 愛滋病毒感染; 性行為傳染; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 今 (2015) 年6月中旬起疾病管制署臺北區管制中心陸續接獲自所轄區醫療所通報疑似本土急性病毒性A型肝炎中比對出個案有愛滋病毒(HIV)感染之病史者,截至2015年7月26日止共計6例,均為正值性活躍期之男性,經疾病管制署硏究檢驗中心檢驗結果均為A型肝炎陽性且基因分型相似度94.5%–99.5%,故疾病管制署臺北區管制中心初步研判均為本土個案且有疑似群聚現象,由個案過去感染HIV之危險行為因子推估,不排除此次傳染模式係由人與人之間接觸傳染或不安全性行為所感染。衛生機關對於此波疫情之掌握需跨單位共同合作,即早介入相關防治措施並宣導未具A型肝炎抗體者,建議接種兩劑A型肝炎疫苗(兩劑間隔6–12個月),以降低感染風險。 |
英文摘要 | From mid-June to July 26, 2015, six cases of acute hepatitis A infection were reported to the Taipei Regional Center, Taiwan Centers for Disease Control (TCDC). The hepatitis A viruses from cases were with 94.5%–99.5% similarity in genotyping. Epidemiologic investigation revealed that all six cases were human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infected males of active sexual-behavior age, and suggested that the route of transmission of this cluster of acute Hepatitis A was likely to be person-to-person transmission, or possibly unprotected sex including oral and anal sex. We suggest cross-departmental cooperation within health authorities are critical to timely mobilize both case management experts and infectious disease control personnel to jointly implement preventive measures. Health education, personal hygiene and hepatitis A vaccination are the most effective ways to reduce the acute hepatitis A infection risk among high-risk and general population. |