- 從數位典藏到數位人文--以日本東洋文庫之經驗為案例
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題 名 | 從數位典藏到數位人文--以日本東洋文庫之經驗為案例=From Digital Library to Digital Humanities: Case Study of Japanese Toyo-bunko Archives |
作 者 | 邵軒磊; 大澤肇; | 書刊名 | 興大人文學報 |
卷 期 | 55 2015.09[民104.09] |
頁 次 | 頁101-123 |
分類號 | 024.8 |
關鍵詞 | 日本; 歷史語言文獻; 東洋文庫; 數位人文; 數位圖書館; Asian history; Digital libraries; Digital humanities information technology; Japan; Toyo bunko; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 近期東亞各地之研究機構紛紛開始進行典藏「數位化」,以及發展數位人文研究(digital humanities)方法。本文將介紹日本東洋文庫數位圖書館(digital library)與數位資料庫(digital database)的設置情況,並總結其他日本研究機構創建數位資料館之經驗,裨益未來相關建制之參考。本文內容包括:東洋文庫發展簡介、當館之歷史資料數位化專案以及日本其他數位檔案館之情況。本文歸納在日本進行數位化經驗中,主要的困難與解決方案,包括:著作權問題上,建議可優先使用無著作權物(如政府出版物、明信片等),並修改相關法律;其次,在計畫開始時即建立研究者與資訊工程師之互動團隊設定詮釋資料(metadata);第三、為避免資料重複製作,各館需要加強其他數位圖書館(檔案館)之橫向協調。 |
英文摘要 | Recently, many research institutions in East Asia have begun to digitizate reserved books and to develop digital humanities studies one after another. This paper introduces setting cases of digital library and digital database in Japan and summarizes experience of the other research institutions in establishing digital data library, in order to benefit institutionalizing in the future. This paper describes development of Toyo-bunko, its digitization project for library historical material, and situation of the other Japanese digital archives. It also concludes main appearing difficulties and their solutions in digitization, including the first suggestion to preferably use those without copyright (such as government’s publication, postcard and others) and check related laws of copyright; secondly, to establish interaction group between researchers and information engineers to set metadatas at the beginning of the plan; thirdly, various libraries shall strengthen horizontal coordination among the other digital library (archives), to avoid duplication of data production. |