題 名 | 國內井式基礎設計與施工案例介紹=Case Study on Design and Construction of the Vertical Shaft Excavation |
作 者 | 吳文隆; 蕭秋安; 楊智堯; | 書刊名 | 地工技術 |
卷 期 | 143 2015.03[民104.03] |
頁 次 | 頁79-88 |
分類號 | 441.815 |
關鍵詞 | 井式基礎; 設計; 施工; Vertical shaft excavation; Design; Construction; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 為因應國內經濟發展之需要,既有公路及軌道等交通公共建設已逐漸不敷使用,必須新建或拓寬以容納日益增加之需求。然而,可供使用土地逐漸減少以及社會對於施工環境保護的重視,使得上述工程必須考量各種環境因素,選擇適當之工法或基礎型式以因應各種環境限制條件。一般基礎型式大致多為直接基礎及樁基礎,而在用地受限及坡度較陡峭,大型機具無法施工的條件下,井式基礎提供較佳之施工性並可縮小基礎尺寸,降低基礎開挖面積。然而,井式基礎在設計及施工時亦有其限制及必需注意重點,本文彙整井式基礎之設計與施工重點,並以實際案例介紹,提供後續相關工程於基礎型式研選時之參考。 |
英文摘要 | For the needs of domestic economic development, the public transportation construction have been not enough gradually. However, the available land for the construction is reducing, and the demand of the environment protection is increasing. So that these projects must consider a variety of environmental factors, and select the appropriate foundation type to various environmental constraints. In the past, the foundation type is usually selected the spread footing type and pile foundation. But for the space-constrained and steeper slopes areas, the large construction equipment is hard to work. In such case, the well foundation is the another better choice. However, there are also some limited and considerations of the design and construction of well foundation. This article presents the case studies on design and construction of well foundation for the reference of the future construction works. |