題 名 | 井式基礎於中壢臺地之設計與施工案例探討=Case Study of Design and Construction of Well Foundation on Jhongli Terrace |
作 者 | 陳道生; 張志勇; 蔡旻君; | 書刊名 | 地工技術 |
卷 期 | 143 2015.03[民104.03] |
頁 次 | 頁31-40 |
分類號 | 441.815 |
關鍵詞 | 井式基礎; 卵碟石層; 軟岩; 地盤改良; Well foundation; Gravel; Weak rock; Ground improvement; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文簡述中壢台地之地質特性,以高架橋梁工程為例檢討基礎之研選原則。基於施工用地限制與載重條件之考量,採用井式基礎並探討井基設計流程與施工方式。然因中壢台地卵礫石層透水性高,其下方軟弱岩盤膠結不良,造成井基開挖時遭遇地下水掏刷地層及湧水之情形,本文案例採用灌漿改良、隔幕排樁、加強導水等改善對策以順利構築井基,相關處置經驗可供工程界參考。 |
英文摘要 | In this article, the geological properties of Jhongli Terrace are reviewed and rule of selecting foundation type for bridges herein is proposed. Because of the limitation of construction area and high loading requirement of bridges, well foundation is recommended. Design and construction procedures of well foundation are also reviewed. Due to the high permeability of gravel layer and loose deposit of weak rock, scouring and gushing water occurred during excavation, engineer adopt measures such as grouting, cut-off pile, and drainage system to accomplish the construction of well foundation. The purpose for the article is to provide a helpful reference on similar ground condition. |