題 名 | 我國長照政策之發展趨勢及對護理專業的影響=The Development of Long-term Care Policies and the Impact on Nursing |
作 者 | 吳肖琪; 蔡誾誾; 葉馨婷; | 書刊名 | 護理雜誌 |
卷 期 | 62:5 2015.10[民104.10] |
頁 次 | 頁11-17 |
專 輯 | 老化社會的健康照護議題 |
分類號 | 419.71 |
關鍵詞 | 護理照護; 長期照顧服務法; 長期照顧保險法; 居家及社區式照護; Nursing care; Long Term Care Service Act; Long Term Care Insurance Act; Home & community-based care; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 臺灣面對高齡、少子女、少勞動力的人口趨勢,政府除發展社區活躍老化政策,須同時強化醫療照護與長期照護(長照)體系的運作。全民健保要永續經營,需改革支付制度,急性後期照護會朝以居家及社區為主、住院式為輔發展;長期照護服務法的通過將整合分散在各法的長照服務單位、設置長照發展基金、結合長照服務網、獎補助長照資源不足社區發展長照資源、改善長照服務品質與分布;長期照護保險法的規劃,支付制度將採包裹式支付以協助失能家庭;長照服務之提供需強化資源整合與效率提升;長照業務資訊化與雲端整合,將使長照體系運作更透明有效率。護理人員較其他社區專業人員更擅長老年照護與諮詢,但仍較缺乏經營與管理培訓;未來居家與社區式照護需更多優秀人力投入,將增加護理人員創業或彈性工作契機;護理人員需強化急性後期照護、獨立創業、經營管理及專業合作協調等能力,以掌握護理專業在長照領域發展之契機。 |
英文摘要 | The government must reform and enhance current medical and long-term care services in order to respond effectively to societal ageing and labor shortage trends and to ensure sustainable operations. The post-acute care system should be reoriented on the home and community instead of the hospital. The Long Term Care Service Act integrates long-term care services that were previously dispersed amongst different departments, sets up a long-term care development fund, and improves the quality and allocation of long-term care services. Moreover, the Long Term Care Insurance Act will implement a bundle payment system to assist disabled families. The integration of automation and information technology will make long-term care more efficient. Although nurses are more skilled at elderly care and counseling than other community care professionals, nurses generally lack training in business management. Home and community-based services thus require better-trained manpower, opportunities to set care agents, and opportunities to offer flexible caring jobs. Therefore, nurses should strengthen their capabilities in post-acute care, business management, cooperation, and coordination. |