題 名 | 違法安定與人權正義--論行政程序重新進行與確定判決既判力之衝突=The Conflict between Reopening of Administrative Proceedings and Binding Effect of Adjudication: Illegal Stability vs. Justice of Protecting Human Rights |
作 者 | 林石猛; 李俊良; | 書刊名 | 月旦法學 |
卷 期 | 243 2015.08[民104.08] |
頁 次 | 頁158-191 |
分類號 | 588.135 |
關鍵詞 | 行政程序重新進行; 不可爭力; 既判力; 行政程序法第128條; 行政過程論; 主觀公權利之表現形態; 無瑕疵裁量請求權; 行政程序法第117條; Reopening of administrative proceedings; Res ludicata Est; The binding effect of administrative action; Article 128 of the Administrative Procedure Act; Article 117 of the Administrative Procedure Act; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 行政程序法第一二八、一二九條行政程序重新進行制度之設,重點在於違法秩序之法安定性或憲法人權保障誡命之個案正義落實,二者如何抉擇的問題。因此,其制度機能在於法安定性原則下可能造成人民權益保障不周,故相對化行政處分因確定所生之「不可爭力」的一種行政程序法上例外機制。惟對於行政程序重新進行之法律構造以及各階段行為定性,歷來行政法學論著上探討並不深刻,本文試自行政過程論之觀點,釐清行政程序重新進行之概念構造、行政行為定性應從人民之主觀公權利觀點,以求釐清觀念上之誤解。關於「受行政法院確定判決肯認其有效存立之行政處分,得否作為行政程序法第一二八條之行政程序重新進行制度之程序標的」,我國學說與本文基於文義解釋、歷史解釋、體系解釋與客觀目的解釋,認為行政程序法第一二八、一二九條程序重新進行制度得突破既判力。惟若行政法院仍堅持採取對人民不利之見解,則僅能企盼立法者儘速修法,用保人權。 |
英文摘要 | The main purpose of Article 128 of the Administrative Procedure Act (hereinafter: APA) is to balance between the interest of legal stability and the value of human rights and justice. However, from the literal meaning of Article 128 of APA, the object of the reopening of administrative proceedings seems not to contain the administrative action held by the definite adjudication from administrative court, even though the administrative action has been proved to be illegal afterwards. It obviously leads to an unreasonable result. In the authors’ opinions, no matter what stage of an administrative remedy from which the binding effect of a case results, the reopening of administrative proceedings under Article 128 of APA should be applied to the circumstance where the administrative action is suspected of being in defective condition, so as to re-examine the legality of the administrative action at issue. |