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- 跨文化交流與翻譯文本的建構--論利瑪竇譯《二十五言》
題 名 | 跨文化之友倫--論利瑪竇《二十五言》的翻譯修辭與證道藝術=Transcultural Ethics of Friendship--On the Rhetoric of Translation and Preaching in Matteo Ricci's Twenty-Five Sayings |
作 者 | 潘薇綺; | 書刊名 | 輔仁歷史學報 |
卷 期 | 31 2013.09[民102.09] |
頁 次 | 頁91-142 |
分類號 | 818.7 |
關鍵詞 | 利瑪竇; 二十五言; 交友論; 伊比推圖; 警言雋語; 馮應京; 修辭; 格言; 古諺集; 伊拉斯莫斯; Matteo Ricci; Twenty-Five Sayings; Epictetus; Enchiridion; Jiaoyou lun; Feng Ying-ching; Rhetoric; Proverb; Adagia; Erasmus; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 比較文學是由跨民族、跨語言、跨文化與跨學科的國際視域研究文學及相關文本,來華意大里亞耶穌會士利瑪竇(Matteo Ricci,1552-1610)為中國友人馮應京等譯述的《二十五言》,是此學科絕佳的研究範本,由時代背景襯托此一文本,則同時具有深重的歷史意味,故亦可視為思想史的研究對象。本文首先由比較文學形象學及中西修辭學的角度探討格言修辭的意義、書寫風格及與基督宗教相關文類的互文性,以建構格言修辭文類的歷史廣度及立體感;接著以葉向高(1559-1627)所作〈贈思及艾先生詩〉中的詩句「言慕中華風,深契吾儒理」為題,呈現譯者成書的時代背景與動機;再由伊比推圖(Epictetus,55-135)口述之《警言雋語》(Eγχειρίδιον/Enchiridion)在西方翻譯的歷史,討論《二十五言》與《警言雋語》的文學關係,並以「物」與「我」的辯證為題揭示題旨,進行文本分析及評論;最後由「翻譯修辭與文化適應」角度進一步逐條檢視文本,由順天命與洋世說(chreia)、人生如戲之喻、釘痕、荷馬與樂府皆非所欲、修道與學用等五個子題切入文本義理,主旨在說明譯者如何以格言修辭式的翻譯策略傳播基督信仰的福音及友道精神,及面臨險境時積極思考的必要性。本文另一特色是由基督宗教人文運動關鍵人物伊拉斯莫斯(Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus,1466 or 1469-1536)的相關著作切入主題,探討格言修辭的意義及文學關係中的歷時與共時性,尤以第一諺「友之物,皆與共也」為例,追溯此諺在古典、中世紀及文藝復興著作中的呈現,及此諺在利瑪竇《交友論》與衛匡國《逑友篇》等中文譯作中與儒家精神、友道思想的會通,論證古典文化、基督宗教文化、儒家思想是此一格言修辭譯作的底蘊。 |
英文摘要 | As many know, ”Twenty-Five Sayings” (二十五言) was selectively translated by the Jesuit scholarly missionary Matteo Ricci(1552-1610) from Epictetus's ”Enchiridion”. The latter is a handbook of proverbs with respect to Stoic ethical practice written in Greek around the beginning of the second century C.E. and was first translated to Latin in 1497. In this Chinese transcultural text, Ricci adapted the spirit of rhetoric typical of the traditional Western ethical thought to Confucian ethics, just as what he had done earlier in the ”Jiaoyou Lun” (交友論). Thus, he could achieve the ultimate goal of introducing the moral teachings of Christianity. At the same time, he could also encourage his Chinese friends, especially the publisher Feng Ying-ching (馮應京), to reflect morally on their own acts and make the right choice according to free will.Another feature of this paper is to compare the thought and the technique of rhetoric of ”Jiaoyou Lun” with the ”Adagia” of Erasmus (1466 or 1469-1536) who during the sixteen century was the most important Dutch Christian humanist and an intimate friend of Thomas More (1478-1535). Emphasis will be placed on the first proverb 'amicorum communia omnia' (言友之物,皆與共也). The spirit of the ethics of friendship revealed synchronically and diachronically through the works of these scholars and the following Jesuit missionaries in China is also found in the ”Twenty-Five Sayings”. |