- 性別平等教育中「釐清性與愛的迷思」融入健康與體育領域課程之行動研究
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題 名 | 性別平等教育中「釐清性與愛的迷思」融入健康與體育領域課程之行動研究=An Action Research on Health Education and Physical Education Integrated Course of Gender Education |
作 者 | 李偉斌; 戴佳君; 魏素鄉; | 書刊名 | 教師專業研究期刊 |
卷 期 | 5 2013.06[民102.06] |
頁 次 | 頁31-48 |
分類號 | 528.33 |
關鍵詞 | 性與愛; 行動研究; 性別平等教育; Sex and love; Action research; Gender education; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在探討性別平等教育融入健康與體育領域課程的實踐過程與反思。研究以97年課綱中能力指標「2-3-6釐清性與愛的迷思」為主題,進行融入式的教學課程設計,教學後採集教學者與現場觀察者對教學內容、過程的反思與回饋。本研究以質性資料為主,採用Patton(1990)建議的步驟,將原始資料加以組織、分類,編輯成為資料檔,其後進行歸納分析。資料包括教師省思札記、學生回饋、教學錄影、觀摩者回饋紀錄……等。結果發現:行動研究者察覺議題融入課程需要貼近學生經驗與保持中立觀點,在教學演示中覺察學生會受到社會文化影響與慣性思考模式的影響,且現場實務教師對課程深廣度、課程的客製化會有些擔心疑慮,對學生「性」的先備知識有所質疑,對男性教師教導「性與愛」的議題也有所顧慮。 |
英文摘要 | The research probed the process and self-examination on HE (Health Education) and PE (Physical Education) integrated course of Gender Education. On course fundamentals, 2-3-6 clarify the myth of sex and love, used to integrated course design. After teaching, collect the feedbacks from teachers and observers. Ther data including interviews of students, videos of teachings, papers after courses, and notes by teacher were analyzed with both quantitative and qualitative methods which Patton (1990) used and recommended. The results showed that action researcher should remain neutral views, observers worried the course depth and customization. Observers had some queries about student's sex knowledge. One query is the issue of sex and love from male teacher. |