題 名 | 戰後臺灣的環境治理進路:一個生態現代化視角的考察=The Evolution of Taiwan's Environmental Governance after World War II: An Ecological Modernization Approach |
作 者 | 黃信勳; 徐世榮; | 書刊名 | 思與言 |
卷 期 | 52:4 2014.12[民103.12] |
頁 次 | 頁5-63 |
分類號 | 445.9 |
關鍵詞 | 環境治理; 生態現代化; 永續發展; 產業變遷; Environmental governance; Ecological modernization; Sustainable development; Industrial evolution; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 自然環境是人類賴以生存的基礎,惟隨著工業化與現代化之開展,人類對自然環境施加與日俱增的衝擊與壓力,其後果不但影響當代的生活品質至鉅,甚且威脅到未來世代的福祉與存續。為應對人類社會系統與自然生態系統未能和諧發展所致的環境挑戰或危機,乃有「永續發展」概念之興起。戮力於追求工業化與現代化的臺灣,儘管在戰後締造了非凡的經濟成就,卻也同樣面臨環境不永續之發展困境。隨著工業汙染與生活公害之類的環境問題的加劇與普遍化,以及1970年代臺灣內部興起的政經改革聲浪,環境議題逐漸被納入臺灣公共議程。在此等環境與社會交纏演進的過程中,臺灣的環境治理體系逐步被建構成型,而永續發展之概念亦於1990年代初期被引進,並在2000年前後為官方確立為發展之主軸。雖然永續發展已經成為國際間以及臺灣國內在環境治理上的主流論述與追求目標,惟此一以調和環境保護與經濟發展之衝突為目的之環境論述,是如何體現在臺灣的環境治理模式?其演進歷程與改革成效為何?而其限制與展望又是什麼?簡言之,本文旨在理解戰後臺灣環境治理上的變革,以及這樣的發展方向能否將臺灣導向生態永續?由於臺灣的環境治理發展脈絡與「生態現代化理論」所述,若合符節,是以採借該理論之視角進行相關的分析與批判,從而指出該等變革仍侷限於技術與制度的形式層次,尚未深及政經結構與社會價值觀的轉化,是以在環境改革上成果有限。 |
英文摘要 | Taiwan, in the pursuit of industrialization and modernization, achieved a remarkable record of economic growth after World War II while facing the predicament of environmental insustainability. With the deterioration of environmental problems as well as the rise in Taiwan's politico-economic reforms since the 1970s, environmental issues were gradually brought into Taiwan's public agenda. Taiwan's environmental governance system has been subsequently constructed, and the idea of "sustainable development" becomes the main environmental discourse. How does the idea take shape in Taiwan? What are the process and the effects of environmental reforms? What would its prospects and limits be? This study attempts to grasp the shifts of Taiwan's environmental governance after WWII, and explores whether or not it could lead Taiwan towards ecological sustainability. Authors employ the theory of "ecological modernization" to analyze Taiwan's development course because of the similarity between the evolution of its environmental governance and what the theory contends, and point out that related changes are mostly confined to technology and institutions in form without reaching to the transformation of political-economic structure and social value. |