題 名 | 老師帶頭挑「性」:性別平等議題融入國小中年級視覺藝術教育之行動研究=Action Research on Introducing Gender Equality into Fourth Graders' Visual Art Education |
作 者 | 周明武; | 書刊名 | 國際藝術教育學刊 |
卷 期 | 13:1 2015.07[民104.07] |
頁 次 | 頁106-162 |
分類號 | 903 |
關鍵詞 | 性別平等教育; 性別刻板印象; 視覺藝術教育; Gender equality education; Gender stereotypes; Visual art education; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese);英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 在本研究中教師即為研究者,以自編的「性別刻板印象A-R-T 課程方案」 為主具,帶領國小四年級一個班的學生(男的,女13 ) 進行為期6 週的性別 藝術課程,透過檢視、反思、批判在我們日常生活的視覺文化產物所隱含的性 別刻板印象,並以藝術創作做為學生增權賦能的工具來表達和修正性別概念。 目酌在藉由課程所敢得的質性資料, 進行內容分析以探討學生的性別意識、性 別意識覺醒酌歷程及課程方案的實施狀況及影響。研究發現如下: 一、學童以傳統父權體制所主導的社會文化脈絡和生活經驗來解讀視覺文本。 二、同理心、反認知案例、典範人物的教學策略運用有助於解構學生的性別刻 板印象, 促成性別特質、家庭角色與分工、職業選擇酌概念前再建構。 三、透過「積極性差別待遇J ( 讀美、討論時呈現女性觀點、限制每人發言次 數、點名) 可鼓勵女學生分享自己酌經驗和想法。 四、學生正面的肯定課程有勘於良好的性別互動。 五、性別平等概念有頗於生活中的反覆演練以對抗舊思維的思考和身體慣性。 |
英文摘要 | In this study, the researcher used the self-designed "Gender Stereotypes A-R-T Curriculum Program" as a tool to guide a class of fourth grade students (13 boys and 13 girls) for a period of six weeks to let them examine, reflect, criticize gender stereotypes hidden in our daily visual cultural products. The students were empowered to express or modify the concept of gender through their art works. By analyzing qualitative data, this paper aimed on exploring the students’ gender consciousness, the process of gender awareness, and the condition and influence of the implemented program. The results were as follows: 1. Students were used to interpret the text in relation to their life experiences and the dominant patriarchal socio-cultural context. 2. The teaching strategies of empathy, anti-cognitive cases, and role models did improve students' gender stereotypes deconstruction. Furthermore, they renewed their concepts of gender characteristics, family roles of housework, and career choice. 3. The strategy of "affirmative discrimination"(such as praising, presenting female perspectives in the discussion, limiting the times of each student’s speaking up in class or having a roll call) can facilitate female students sharing their gender experiences and their thought.4. The students affirmed positively that the program helped them a lot in interacting with different genders. 5. The concept of gender equality can be formed in repeated drills in daily life so as to resist the old thinking and our physical inertia. |