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題 名 | 臺灣〈幼兒教育及照顧法〉對幼教師資培育影響:從女性主義觀點分析=Preschool Teacher's Education under Taiwan Early Childhood Education and Care Act: Based on Feminist Perspectives |
作 者 | 張菁芳; | 書刊名 | 中華行政學報 |
卷 期 | 14 2014.06[民103.06] |
頁 次 | 頁187-199 |
分類號 | 523.26 |
關鍵詞 | 幼兒教育及照顧法; 幼教師資培育; 女性主義; Early Childhood Education and Care Act; Preschool teacher; Feminist; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 臺灣在小學階段之前的幼兒教育與照顧方面,過去存在教育與照顧兩種服務體系,這兩種服務體系各自有其法令依據、主管機關,甚且服務人力的培育也各行其事。自2012年臺灣新制定的〈幼兒教育及照顧法〉開始實施後,這兩種服務體系就歸為一元,主管機關在中央為教育部,在直轄市為直轄市政府,在縣(市)為縣(市)政府;服務對象為2歲以上至入國民小學前之幼兒,對幼兒提供教育及照顧服務之機構稱為幼兒園,教保服務人員包括在幼兒園服務之園長、教師、教保員及助理教保員,其中教保服務人員人力規劃、培育及人才庫建立,係由中央主管機關掌理。幼兒托育與教育整合是政府對於幼教政策長期放任自由發展後所必須採取的有效策略,幼托綜合性服務實務發展也是世界皆然之趨勢。父權邏輯將工作內涵及價值性別化、扭曲之後,「教職女性化」就代表著「職業性別區隔」的結果。現今政府主管機關的當務之急除了建制完善的幼教政策,亦應思考如何建立及落實一套優質完善的幼兒教育人員培育機制,以符合現今社會潮流及國民需求,創造幼兒最大幸福權益。本研究採質性分析,以教職女性化為主的幼教師資培育為主體,從女性主義的分析角度,著重在教職的「專業」性,掃除「女性天職」的刻板印象,探討在新法上路後是否也能打破性別藩籬,重新以多元性別觀點重新思維幼教師資培育課程,研究結果提出兩項建議:規範幼教系學生修習各向度之專業能力,以及幼教學分課程科目增加保育領域與研究領域的課程。 |
英文摘要 | While the process of early childhood education and care has been extensively investigated in Taiwan, to enhance the quality of early childhood education policy is relatively unexplored. After the Early Childhood Education and Care Act in 2012, Taiwan government authorities must create and implement an improved quality in addition to the establishment of improving early childhood education policy. This paper will study the influence of the quality of early childhood education teachers' training. The study will focus on assisting the preschool teacher's professional development, performance evaluation, and training from feminist perspectives. Traditionally female-dominated preschool education in the road after the new law is also able to break down barriers and re -thinking gender diverse early childhood teacher training courses. Taking the preschool teacher's training as an example, this paper will use documentary analysis and constant comparison method. The findings suggest that the government to standardize preschool students attend various dimensions of professional competence, and improve early childhood education courses to increase credit course curriculum and research in the field of conservation areas. That is also a renewed emphasis on teaching the "professional" nature, to eliminate "the vocation of women" stereotype, both putting forward two proposals: standardize preschool students attend various dimensions of professional competence, as well as early childhood education courses to increase credit course curriculum and research in the field of conservation areas. Study results are expected to think about preschool teacher training courses in view of diverse gender by the Early Childhood Education and Care Act. |