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題 名 | 以新竹地區星巴克顧客認知觀點探討星巴克咖啡品牌符號、品牌形象與品牌價值之獨特性魅力=From the Cognitive Perspective of Hsinchu's Customers on Uniqueness Study of the Brand Symbol, Brand Image, and Brand Value for Starbucks Coffee in Taiwan |
作 者 | 賴文仁; | 書刊名 | 中華科技大學學報 |
卷 期 | 61 2015.01[民104.01] |
頁 次 | 頁147-163 |
分類號 | 496.1 |
關鍵詞 | 星巴克咖啡; 品牌符號; 品牌形象; 品牌價值; Starbucks Coffee; Brand symbol; Brand image; Brand value; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 臺灣的咖啡市場成長速度驚人,成為民眾生活不可或缺的民生飲品之一。以咖啡為主要商品的星巴克咖啡連鎖店,從1998年由統一企業引進臺灣迄今,在短短期間快速展店成為臺灣咖啡的領導品牌。本文採用質性研究取向,運用個案研究和深度訪談技巧,以顧客認知的觀點,探討在臺灣的星巴克咖啡品牌符號之意義、企業形象之魅力、以及品牌價值獨特性的魅力所在。研究者於2014年4月透過判斷取樣方式,依據受訪者一個月至少消費4次(含)及以上的咖啡消費習性,選擇受訪對象進行深度訪談,以便蒐集第一手資料。本研究經資料歸納與分析,發現顧客感受於星巴克品牌獨特性的魅力。在品牌符號方面,認為星巴克品牌辨識度吸引顧客視覺;在品牌形象方面,認為星巴克具備(一)國際性品牌影響顧客選擇、(二)門市營造顧客歸屬感氛圍、(三)親切服務使顧客安心、及(四)、商品選擇多樣化;在品牌價值方面,認為星巴克做到(一)顧客對品牌有認同感、(二)滿足顧客心理需求。是故,本文以顧客認知觀點,得知星巴克咖啡成功地塑造飲品品牌魅力,在品牌符號、品牌形象、與品牌價值的獨特之處,可做為餐飲服務業品牌管理的個案研究範例之一。 |
英文摘要 | Due to Taiwan's coffee market is growing at an amazing speed, coffee has gradually been widely accepted, and having a cup of coffee everyday has become a necessaries of life. Take coffee as its main commodities, Starbucks Coffee, opened in 1998, for decade later, has successfully break into the Taiwan market, and become a leading brand in Taiwan. This study adopted approach of the qualitative research is a case study. The study used participant observation and interview skills, in order to explores the meaning of customer to the Starbucks brand symbol, to explore customer corporate image of charm, and to explore customer perceptions about the brand values for the views of customers. Researchers conducted in-depth interviews to collect data by judgment sampling in April 2014. The study by inductive analysis in order to obtained the findings as follows: Starbucks' customers think Starbucks recognizable high that attract consumer vision In terms of brand symbol; on the one hand, Starbucks (1) has the international brand and affect consumer choice, (2) has to create the atmosphere of the environment, so that customers have a sense of belonging, (3) its service friendliness, make consumers feel at ease, and (4) has merchandise-selective diversity in terms of brand image; on the other hand, Starbucks (1) has to increase brand identity to consumers, as well as to meet consumer needs. Therefore, by customers perspectives, in this paper, from the paper that this article about Starbucks coffee brand symbols, brand image, and brand value is unique advantages in a dominant position, successfully portrayed the beverage brand. All in all, Starbucks' examples can be used as one of case study of foodservice brands. |