題 名 | 德國事後安全管束監禁制度之合憲性研究--以制度發展與調整為研究中心(2004年~2013年)=On the Constitutionality of Preventive Detention in German: Focus on Institutional Development and Adaptation (2004~2013) |
作 者 | 周佳宥; | 書刊名 | 憲政時代 |
卷 期 | 40:2 2014.10[民103.10] |
頁 次 | 頁103-138 |
分類號 | 587.28 |
關鍵詞 | 刑後處遇; 保安處分; 基本權利保障; 歐洲人權公約; Preventive detention; Punishment; Guarantee of fundamental rights; Human rights; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究以犯罪者刑後處遇作為問題基礎,探討規定於德國刑法典第六章之安全管束監禁制度與人權保障二者間之衝突。為避免本文內容僅止於學理上之論述,筆者將從以下二方面加以研析:首先,討論德國法制上要發動安全管束監禁制度之要件及其界限,並以憲法基本原則檢視此刑事司法制度是否符合法治國思想,俾使基本權利保障能獲得充分實踐;其次,探究德國聯邦憲法法院、歐洲人權法院及德國最高法院對安全管束監禁制度所作成之相關判決,研析上述三法院對該項制度設計是否過度侵害人民基本權利及違反歐洲人權公約。 |
英文摘要 | This study focuses on an overview of the discussion between Preventive Detention and Human Rights. The main purpose of this dissertation deals with the treatment for offenders. To be more specific, the major question arises out of this concern in two sides, the basis of exercise of Preventive Detention and the judgment that decreed by the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany, and the European Court of Human Rights. According to the research of crime, as we shall see, offender recidivism rate isimportant problem. Therefore, could Preventive Detention be applied to this model? This study would probe into the judgment that decreed by the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany and the European Court of Human Rights. With that we may know if Preventive Detention has conformed the principle of rule of law and Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms or not. Finally, we hope this study will serve as a valuable reference for differentiation between punishment and preventive detention. |