題 名 | 以社群媒體的運用來探討品牌價值--以臺灣國際性品牌為例=Measuring Brand Value through Adoption and Use of Social Media: A case of Taiwanese Global Brands |
作 者 | 陳德釗; 尤詩怡; | 書刊名 | 行銷評論 |
卷 期 | 11:2 2014.夏[民103.夏] |
頁 次 | 頁175-192 |
分類號 | 496.1 |
關鍵詞 | 社群媒體; 品牌價值; 粉絲專頁; Facebook; Social media; Brand value; Fan pages; LPM; Likes per million; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 近年來社群媒體的發展,提供了一個新型態的社會互動空間。人們透過社群網站來表達自我,並且藉此與不同的個人或群體來產生連繫。因此,企業也開始將社群網站作為企業行銷媒體的選擇,以強化和現有與潛在消費者間的溝通、互動;而企業如何衡量在社群網站上所創造的價值,是一重要議題。因此,本研究以臺灣國際級的品牌為研究對象,利用Hodson, Aytekin and Crawford (2011)所提出的LPM(Likes per Million)指標,衡量各品牌建立Facebook粉絲專頁所帶來的品牌價值。本研究發現透過LPM指標,可以了解企業在粉絲專頁上的經營成果,同時也反映出企業在粉絲專頁上「讚」的數量領先,但是與品牌價值的關連性卻未必是呈現正向的。本研究也對社群網站成立的必要性和未來研究方向,做進一步的探討。 |
英文摘要 | Social media enable users to express themselves as well as to connect with individuals and groups. Many companies have been using social media as a marketing channel to enhance communication with existing and potential customers. However, how companies measure the value of social media for their brand value remains an interesting inquiry. Based on the work of Hodson, Aytekin, and Crawford (2011), this article attempts to consider the relationship between brand value and LPM (Likes per Million) using Taiwan global brands as our sample. We found Facebook LPM indicators can gauge the success of company's operating result. It also reflects more “like” numbers on Facebook is no guarantee of LPM indicators. Furthermore, this article discusses the relationship between social media and brand value, and offers directions for future research. |