- 意見領袖型態與人格特質分析
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- 消費者對流行服飾認知之研究
題 名 | 意見領袖型態與人格特質分析=Typology and Personality of Opinion Leaders |
作 者 | 任立中; 田寒光; 邵功新; | 書刊名 | 行銷科學學報 |
卷 期 | 7:1 2011.04[民100.04] |
頁 次 | 頁1-19 |
分類號 | 496.5 |
關鍵詞 | 意見領袖; 聯合分析; 產品知識; 社會網絡分析; Opinion leader; Conjoint analysis; Product class knowledge; Social network analysis; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 人際間口碑的傳播是消費者重視的資訊來源之一,而意見領袖的角色在口碑傳播的過程當中扮演了相當重要的角色。行銷人員若能深入挖掘出意見領袖型態,針對不同型態意見領袖做有效溝通,將有助於行銷溝通成本減低並提高整體傳播效果。本研究首先提出有別於傳統的衡量方式,利用聯合分析法模擬受訪者在面臨真實決策之時,從個人決策與群體決策是否相似的角度,判斷消費者是否為意見領袖。接著,依據這群意見領袖的社會網絡連結程度與產品專業知識認知程度,將他們分成四個類型:權威型、專家型、社會型、以及個人魅力型意見領袖。最後,檢視這四種不同類型意見領袖的人格特質如內外控傾向、自我監控程度和認知需求程度等,是否存在差異性。結果發現權威型與社會型意見領袖其人格特質具備較高自我監控,專家型與權威型意見領袖人格特質中更具有較高的認知需求,社會型與個人魅力型意見領袖人格特質則是具備外控傾向。行銷人員可依據不同類型意見領袖所具備的人格特質,量身打造不同的行銷策略,以提高行銷溝通的有效性。 |
英文摘要 | Opinion leaders play a key role in interpersonal communication which is one of the most efficient ways to deliver product information through positive word-of-mouth. In this study, we first utilize conjoint analysis to measure the distance of individual and group's preference structure as an index of opinion leadership. Once the opinion leaders have been identified, we classify them into four categories: authoritativeness, social, expert, and charisma-type opinion leaders, based on the degree of the social network linkage and product knowledge. Finally, we investigate the the difference of personalities, such as locus of control, self-monitoring and need for cognition, foreach type of opinion leaders. The emplirical results show that authoritativeness-typeand social-type opinion leaders have higher degree of self-monitoring. Expert-type and authoritativeness-typeopinion leaders also havehigher degree ofneed forcognition. Social-type and charisma-type opinion leaderstend to have outerlocus of control characteristic. Marketers can use these results to adjust advertising strategy to communicate with and influence on each type of opinion leaders, and then let them to influence on more consumers. Therefore, the marketing strategy can be more efficient. |