- A Composite Guidance for Vertically Launched Dual Range SAM with Side Jet Controls
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題 名 | A Composite Guidance for Vertically Launched Dual Range SAM with Side Jet Controls=垂直發射雙射程地對空飛彈採用側噴流複合導引法則之研究 |
作 者 | 陶德仁; | 書刊名 | 新新科技年刊 |
卷 期 | 11 2015.01[民104.01] |
頁 次 | 頁2-16 |
分類號 | 595.95 |
關鍵詞 | 垂直發射; 雙射程地對空飛彈; 側噴流控制; 滑模快速轉向導引律; 複合控制; 奇異攝動; 尋優中途導引律; 預設航道中途導引律; 非線性微分對策歸向導引律; 初始側噴流控制; 終端側噴流控制; 複合導引; Vertical launch; Dual range surface to air missile; Side jet control; Sliding mode agile turn guidance law; Composite control; Singular perturbation; Optimal midcourse guidance law; Trajectory shaping midcourse guidance law; Bounded differential game homing guidance law; Initial side jet control; Terminal side jet control; Composite guidance; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 本文旨在探討垂直發射雙射程地對空飛彈採用側噴流複合導引法則之相關研究。該飛彈包括加力器及續航器兩段式固體推進系統,當對付高速低飛且具高G值運動能力之掠海飛彈或尋弋飛彈,將啟動整合於加力器底部之初始側噴流裝置執行俯仰快速轉向之作為。對於此類低飛近程目標之攔截,在初期轉向階段採用滑模快速轉向導引律於1秒內執行完成飛彈高攻角之運動模式。另外一方面,對於視距外之遠程目標例如戰機,則將引用複合控制原理對於奇異攝動理論推導之尋優中途導引律進行簡化之相關修正。此外,亦將整合預設航道中途導引律以及非線性微分對策歸向導引律並輔以終端側噴流裝置以對付進入低空層來襲之彈道飛彈。 |
英文摘要 | A composite guidance strategy for vertically launched dual range surface-to-air missiles (SAM) with side jet controls (SJC) is synthesized in this study. The missile consists of two solid-propellant stages, initial side jet thrusters integrated into the aft section of the booster are used when high levels of agility are required to engage such as supersonic skimmers with high g weaving maneuver or cruise missiles. For this short range engagement, a sliding mode agile turn guidance law in the pitch plane is invoked to perform the high-angle-of-attack maneuver in one second. On the other hand, for the beyond visual range (BVR) engagement such as fighters, a simplified version of singular perturbation (SP) optimal midcourse guidance law based on the composite control approach is proposed. Besides, a trajectory shaping midcourse guidance law combined with a bounded differential game (BDG) homing guidance law coupled with the terminal side jet thrusters is utilized to defend the low altitude tactical ballistic missiles (TBM). |