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- 行政處分附款之行政爭訟
- 針對地方自治「內部法律關係」與「外部法律關係」監督措施的行政訴訟
題 名 | 釋字第684號後校園內學生權益--以行政爭訟撤銷訴訟合法性審查為中心=A Discussion of the Juridical Remedy for College Student's Right through the Perspective of the Fundamental Constitutional Rights: The Impact of No. 684 Interpretation of Constitutional Court in Taiwan |
作 者 | 張哲瑋; 張漢川; | 書刊名 | 嘉義大學通識學報 |
卷 期 | 10 2012.11[民101.11] |
頁 次 | 頁93-128 |
分類號 | 588.14 |
關鍵詞 | 特別權力關係; 大學自治; 訴訟權; 行政處分; 重要性理論; Theory of importance; University autonomy; The special power relationship; The right of litigation; Administrative sanction; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 司法院釋字第684號解釋於2011年公布後,突破以往因『特別權利關係』下學生救濟權的限制,擴大學生可為提出救濟的範圍,變更先前釋字382號解釋以往學生僅得對學校所為「身分或受教權改變」處分提出爭訟,轉向持開放態度,其兼持「有權利即有救濟」之意旨,讓權利受侵害之學生提起行政爭訟,無須特別限制於「身分或受教權改變」處分,使得學生權益獲重大變革,全國大專院校為之戒慎。本文乃以司法院大法官第684號解釋以降,目前爭訟機關受理有關學校與學生間之事務爭議,其審理過程中於觸及前開解釋時,是否有承接此解釋之精神,試圖從爭訟事件受理後相關程序與實體面審理模式分別加以觀察,瞭解教育部訴願會以及各級行政法院受理此類事件時之審理思維,並提出個人見解,供各位先進參酌。 |
英文摘要 | January of 2011, the Grand Justice of Judicial Yuan release the No. 684 interpretation, for past students in school was punished with ”The change of the status or right to an education.” could only make litigations. Due of the point, it change the No. 382 interpretation in past, turn to keep an open mind, and hold the meaning contained in section 16 of the Constitution. From the No. 380 to the No. 684 interpretation, especially for the school management standards, the students' right protection, and the national administrative power involved that belong to the concept and the controversy of the university autonomy. In this way, protecting college student's right, the standard about scope of judicial review will be simple for the fundamental rights' standard. This research adopts jurisprudential inquiry and legal analysis to confirm the core of law, discuss the legitimacy of the college student's right, and ravel out the duty and right on student's discipline, finally, probe the legitimacy principles. |