題 名 | 梭羅思想中的儒家意識=Thoreau and Confucius in Walden |
作 者 | 劉月珠; 涂成吉; | 書刊名 | 嘉義大學通識學報 |
卷 期 | 10 2012.11[民101.11] |
頁 次 | 頁1-19 |
分類號 | 145.3、145.3 |
關鍵詞 | Henry D. Thoreau; 孔子; 論語; 簡約生活; 自我教化; 安貧樂道; 大同世界; Confucius; The Four Books; The Analects of Confucius; Da Tong World; Life of simplicity; Sel-educated; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 美國文學家亨利大衛梭羅(Henry D. Thoreau, 1817~1861)一直是國人最感親切與熟悉之外國作家,主要是他廣為人知的代表作《湖濱散記》(Walden)充滿了濃厚的中國風,有著「採菊東籬下」的天人悠然與「帝力於我何有哉」的無為境界。直覺上,梭羅理念與道家思想,呈現相似;矛盾是,文句考證上,《湖濱散記》卻不見梭羅引用中國道家任何章句,倒是不斷借重孔子之《四書》話語,彰顯兩者共同之「安貧」與「道德」的思想;孔、梭生活上,也及早提出了現代之「休閒」概念;最明顯莫過後半生,梭羅效法孔夫子「經世致用」的理想,亦有熱衷政治改革的相同人生際遇。孔子一生心志為識者乃「志於道,據於德,依於仁,遊於藝。」當坊間絕大專注以梭羅傾近中國道家與禪的研究中,本文將就梭羅與儒家思想的聯結作一探討。本文將以最根本方式,即就梭羅作品中,具體所引《四書》內容,從文學、生活、政治與休閒方面,印證梭羅與孔子「道,德,仁,藝」四大德行的共通性,分析他一生在文學與政治構想與中國儒家思想的相連關係。 |
英文摘要 | Thoreau is the most influential American writer in history whose thoughts originate from in great part the traditional Chinese wisdom. Spontaneously, we are apt to associate specifically those metaphysical elements of Thoreau's thoughts like communion to nature, ecstasy, individualism, civil disobedience and pursuit of a ”no tangible” government with Chinese Taoist values. However, it's empirically found a Confucian mind is deeply rooted in Thoreau's thoughts if we compare Thoreau with Confucius in traits like philosophy, personality, political ideals. It is evident, above all, a number of Thoreau's English translation of excerpts from the Four Books instead of Taoism are read in ”Walden”. The purpose of this paper is to take an insight into Thoreau's thoughts that derive from Confucius. It will be illustrated in Thoreau's concurring with Confucius in four areas, who dedicated to: simplicity, morality, political compassion and a leisure-life of art. Both men embrace simplicity and virtue. On a Confucian ”voluntary poverty” philosophy, Thoreau engaged in an experiment to scale down his needs and expenditure while pursued a simple life on individual conscience and morality. In political application, it is the traditional Chinese Confucian utopian idea of ”Da Tong world” which Thoreau reflects this commonwealth utopia in Walden. At last, Thoreau and Confucius were great music lovers, who knew the beauty of leisure. Moreover, Thoreau believed a music from the silent nature deeply touched a human heart. |