題 名 | 蘇軾山水詩中的畫境--以謫黃貶惠前之詩為例=The Picturesque Scenery in Su Shi's Landscape Poems: the Poems Composed before His Exile |
作 者 | 楊景琦; | 書刊名 | 康大學報 |
卷 期 | 2:1 2012.08[民101.08] |
頁 次 | 頁33-47 |
分類號 | 851.451 |
關鍵詞 | 蘇軾; 山水詩; 宋詩; 詩中有畫; 貶謫; Su Shi; Landscape poetry; Sung poetry; Painting within poetry; Exile; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 「詩中有畫,畫中有詩」,是不同學科間的一大創意組合,唐代詩畫藝術繁榮,傳為王維(701-761)之《畫學秘訣》已提出「肇自然之性,成造化之功。或咫尺之圖,寫百千里之景;東西南北,宛爾目前」的山水畫論;而杜甫(712-770)在<戲題王宰畫山水圖歌>裡言「咫尺應須論萬里」,可見杜甫已重視畫外詩意。至宋,詩思出位,山水畫亦臻成熟,詩畫交融的情況更加普遍,蘇軾(1036-1101)於<書摩詰藍田烟雨圖>云:「味摩詰之詩,詩中有畫。觀摩詰之畫,畫中有詩。詩曰:『藍谿白石出,玉川紅葉稀。山路元無雨,空翠濕人衣。」此摩詰之詩,或曰非也。好事者以補摩詰之遺。」蘇軾明白指出詩要其畫意,寓情於景;畫須具詩意,借景抒情。此論一出,已成圭臬。而宗白華亦論,詩與畫的圓滿結合,也是情與景的圓滿結合。宋神宗元豐二年(1079),蘇軾因「烏臺詩案」,瞬間由湖州太守成為階下囚,期間性命幾乎不保,出獄之後被貶黃州。詩人內心雖苦痛至極,仍借江山之助,將傷痛化為詩句,掀髯一笑對厄運。蘇軾謫黃貶惠前(1079-1094)之山水詩,約六十五首;今選擇其中較其畫意者,分別從「蘊含豐富想像」、「借用三遠理論」、「畫法入於詩法」、「寄託胸中情懷」四點,切入分析,以見蘇軾山水詩之詩中有畫。 |
英文摘要 | ”Aesthetic Combination of Poetry and Painting” is the creative combination between different subjects. The poetry and painting were both flourished in Tang Dynasty. It is said that Wang Wei (701-761) proposed the theory of landscape painting in his ”The Secret of Painting” (《畫學秘訣》). Furthermore, Du Fu (712-770) also emphasized the poetic sentiment of painting in his poem <戲題王宰畫山水圖歌>. Until Sung Dynasty, poetry became a popular literature and the landscape painting has developed to a more mature stage, and fusion of poetry and painting has become more prevalent. Su Shi (1036-1101) explicitly indicated the following idea in his article <書摩詰藍田烟雨圖>: the picturesque scenery found in the poetry and the poetic sentiment found in the paining. Once proposed, this idea has become the principle of art. Tsung Pai-hua also pointed out: the seamless combination of poetry and painting is the seamless combination of sentiment and scenery.In 1079, Su Shi was arrested because of Wu Tai Poem Case and nearly lost his life in prison. After getting out of jail, he was exiled to Huangzhou. He felt extremely sorrowful at that time. He translated his sorrow into sentences of poetry and faced the adversity with a smile. Su Shi composed about 65 landscape poems before his exile (1079-1094). This paper focuses on several poems with picturesque scenery, and aims to explicate Su Shi's poems inscribed on paintings from the following four points of view: great imagination, application of the three perspectives, painting within poetry, and expression of emotions. |