題 名 | 學前兒童對人體內部的認知=Preschool Children's Perceptions of the Internal Body |
作 者 | 陳瑤惠; 邱敏麗; | 書刊名 | 健康促進暨衛生教育雜誌 |
卷 期 | 32 2011.12[民100.12] |
頁 次 | 頁35-56 |
分類號 | 173.17 |
關鍵詞 | 人體內部; 認知發展; 器官; 學前兒童; Internal body; Cognitive development; Organ; Preschool children; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在探討國內學前兒童對人身體內部器官、器官功能,以及器官位置、形狀等的認知。研究樣本為48位53至77個月大學前兒童,以一對一訪談及畫圖法進行資料蒐集。研究結果發現:(1)有超過一半以上的兒童提到人體有心臟、骨頭和胃這三種器官;另有超過40%的兒童提到人體有血管、腸子和腦;(2)兒童所知道的人體內部多為與消化及循環二系統有關器官;(3)比較國外研究顯示,有較多本國學前兒童知道人體內有胃和腸子這二種消化系統器官;(4)有約50%的兒童認為人體最重要的器官是心臟;(5)學前兒童普遍運用一或二個答案類型解釋器官功能,這些答案類型反映學前階段兒童對器官功能已建立的先前概念;(6)分析兒童所畫人體內部器官圖與訪談內容顯示,少數學前兒童已略具人體器官運作關係概念;(7)大體而言,學前兒童已知道人體內部器官約略的形狀與其在人體內大概的位置。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was to investigate the perceptions of internal body of preschool children in Taiwan, including the recognition of organs, functions of organs, location and the shape of organs. Data collection was carried out through the use of interviews and drawings one-to-one with the sample of 48 preschool children aged 53-77 months old. The findings of the research were as followings. (1) Over 50% of the children mentioned three internal organs: the heart, bones and the stomach and over 40% of the children mentioned blood vessels, intestine and brain inside body. (2) Children's recognition of internal body parts was mostly associated with the organs of digestive and circulatory system. (3) Contrary to previous research, Taiwanese children mentioned digestive system organs such as stomach and intestine with high frequency. (4) About 50% of the children thought the most important part of the body were heart. (5) Children were inclined to apply one or two response categories to explain the functions of organs. These categories revealed children's preconception of the functions of organ that they have already acquired in preschool year. (6) Analysis of children's drawings and interview showed a few of preschool children have roughly recognized the correspondent relationship between organic activities. (7) Preschool children knew broadly the shapes and locations of the organs inside human body. |