題 名 | 影響國中生吸菸行為意向相關因素之研究:以桃園縣為例=Factors Related to Smoking Behavior Intention among Junior High School Students in Taoyuan County |
作 者 | 梁宜芬; 胡益進; | 書刊名 | 健康促進暨衛生教育雜誌 |
卷 期 | 35 2013.06[民102.06] |
頁 次 | 頁19-43 |
分類號 | 523.5779 |
關鍵詞 | 菸害知識; 吸菸態度; 拒菸自我效能; 吸菸行為意向; 國中生; Knowledge of smoking hazard; Smoking attitude; Anti-smoking self-efficacy; Smoking behavior intention; Junior high school students; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究目的為瞭解國中生吸菸行為意向現況,背景因素與菸害知識、吸菸態度、拒菸自我效能與吸菸行為意向之間關係,及分析對其吸菸行為預測力。採問卷調查法,研究對象為桃園縣公私立國民中學全體在學生,有效問卷共569份,研究結果為:1.菸害知識會因背景因素之年級、學業成績、親子關係、桃園縣國小互動式拒菸與戒菸教育印象狀況不同而有差異。2.吸菸態度會因背景因素之性別、學業成績、吸菸經驗、家庭結構、親子關係、同儕吸菸狀況、桃園縣國小互動式拒菸與戒菸教育印象與一年內是否曾教導菸害防制相關課程不同而有差異。3.拒菸自我效能會因背景因素之學業成績、吸菸經驗、家庭結構、親子關係、家人吸菸狀況、一週內家人吸菸天數、一個月零用錢、同儕吸菸狀況、桃園縣國小互動式拒菸與戒菸教育印象與一年內是否曾教導菸害防制相關課程不同而有差異。4.吸菸態度與拒菸自我效能可預測吸菸行為意向。5.吸菸經驗、一個月零用錢、桃園縣國小互動式拒菸與戒菸教育印象、菸害知識、吸菸態度與拒菸自我效能可解釋吸菸行為意向達47.0%。根據上述結果,本研究針對青少年菸害防制教育策略提出建議,做為未來執行菸害防制工作時,相關議題之研究基礎及政策使用之參考,以有效降低青少年吸菸問題。 |
英文摘要 | The main purposes of this study were to understand the current situations of smoking intention of the junior high school students, to explore and analyze the relationships among their background factors, knowledge of smoking hazard, smoking attitudes, anti-smoking self-efficacy and smoking behavior intention, and analyze the predictability of their smoking intention. A questionnaire survey was used in the study. The subjects were the junior high school students in Taoyuan County, including both in public and in private schools. The valid questionnaires were 569 copies.The main findings of this study were as follows:1. There were significant differences between knowledge of smoking hazard and background variables of ”grades”, ”academic achievement”, ”parent-child relationship” and ”anti-tobacoo interactive-education at elementary school in Taoyuan County and impression on the quit- smoking lessons”.2. There were significant differences between smoking attitudes and background variables of ”gender”, ”academic achievement”, ”smoking experiences”, ”family structure”, ”parent-child relationship”, ”whether their friends smoked”, ”anti-tobacoo interactive-education at elementary school in Taoyuan County and impression on the quit- smoking lessons” and ”whether they received anti-smoking lessons in a year”.3. There were significant differences between anti-smoking self-efficacy and background variables of ”academic achievement”, ”smoking experiences”, ”family structure”, ”parent-child relationship”, ”whether their family smoked”, ”how many days a week their family smoked”, ”monthly allowance”, ”whether their friends smoked”, ”anti-tobacoo interactive-education at elementary school in Taoyuan County” and ”whether they received anti-smoking lessons in a year”.4. The smoking attitudes and anti-smoking self-efficacy could predict the smoking intention of the students.5. The smoking experiences, monthly allowance, anti-tobacoo interactiveeducation at elementary school in Taoyuan County, and their impression on the quit-smoking lessons, smoking knowledge, smoking attitudes and anti-smoking self-efficiency could predict smoking behavior intention, with the explained variance being 47.0%.Based on the study findings, suggestions are provided. regarding anti-smoking education strategy for the adolescent and how to enforce anti-smoking strategy in the future to reduce adolescent smoking problem efficiently. |