題 名 | 社會投資國家的青年轉銜與生命歷程政策:以瑞典和英國相關社會政策改革為例=Youth Transition and Life Course Policy in Social Investment States: An Exploration of Related Social Policy Reforms in Sweden and UK |
作 者 | 黃志隆; | 書刊名 | 社會政策與社會工作學刊 |
卷 期 | 18:2 2014.12[民103.12] |
頁 次 | 頁121-161 |
分類號 | 548.2 |
關鍵詞 | 青年轉銜; 社會政策; 社會投資國家; 積極勞動市場政策; 生命歷程政策; Youth transition; Social policy; Social investment state; Active labour market policy; Life course policy; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 如何在經濟與社會結構快速變遷中,解決日益嚴重的青年失業問題,已成了各國關注的焦點。近年來歐盟提出相關的策略,都將提升失業青年之人力資本視為主要的政策工具。而這種以國家集體力量強化勞動市場供給面為主的社會投資國家理念,是如何與各國既有的制度脈絡相結合,從而形成具體的生命歷程政策?本文擬從歐洲社會投資國家的兩個代表-瑞典與英國出發,探討兩國從教育到就業相關社會政策所欲形塑的青年轉銜歷程。藉由生命歷程政策觀點的分析,我們試圖抽離出兩國在相關社會政策的改革上所代表的不同政策意涵,以作為未來在進行相關研究的參考。 |
英文摘要 | It is one of the most important issues to resolve youth unemployment problem for every country during the era of rapid economic and social-structural transformation. Related strategies of the European Union stressed the policy instruments of prompting human capital for unemployed youth. How does the social investment state idea strengthen labor supply through state power and combine with different institutional context of state? What is the specific life course policy for these states? In this article I try to trace the two representatives of social investment state in European Union -- Sweden and UK, especially about youth transition from the related social policies. Through the analysis of youth transition policies, I detached the implications of life course policy of the two states for future research, especially comparative analysis. |