題 名 | 拒絕被影射的權利?--從德國、美國二則判決看文學創作自由與人格權之頡頏=The Right of not Being Insinuated: The Balance between the Right to Literature Creation and the Personality Right from the Perspective of Two Judgements in Germany and U.S. |
作 者 | 方瑋晨; | 書刊名 | 國立中正大學法學集刊 |
卷 期 | 45 2014.10[民103.10] |
頁 次 | 頁75-138 |
分類號 | 584.1414 |
關鍵詞 | 影射小說; 個人傳記; 藝術自由; 言論自由; 人格權; 名譽權; 隱私權; 基本權利衝突; Roman a clef; Autobiographical novel; Freedom of art; Freedom of speech; Right of personality; Right of reputation; Right of privacy; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 文學作品經常反映當代的社會狀況,若該文學作品的性質為影射小說或個人傳記時,此類作品將大量描寫人與人之間的互動,作者必須大量描寫出各種場景、人物間關係及互動。由於此類作品的刻劃取決於作者個人想法、生活經驗及價值判斷,故此類型文學作品將與真實世界的人、事、物高度雷同。由於此類型文學作品具有「與真實世界高度相似」、「以真實人物作為基礎」兩大特色,因此書中角色很容易被讀者連結至真實人物,讀者在閱讀該文學作品後,有可能先入為主的認為書中的所有描述皆為事實,將可能侵害被影射者的權利。此際,我們將遇到一個兩難的狀況,作者在撰寫此類文學作品時,基於其個人經驗及言論自由,實難以避免利用真實世界架構小說內容。但若在書中對於特定角色有負面描寫時,又將造成該角色所連結到的真實人物人格、名譽上的損害。此時小說作者的文學作品創作自由與被影射者的人格權,即處於糾葛難分,互相衝突的緊張關係。本文由兩則案例出發,逐步探討並描繪出德國與美國之憲法規範與憲政司法實務上對於此類事件之處理理路、態度、思考模式之異同。並於判決介紹後,聚焦於本文之核心關懷者,逐項討論。進而分析探討此類型事件司法者於基本權利衡量可能的出路。 |
英文摘要 | Literary works often reflect the situation of the present society and the present days. Especially the autobiographical novel and the roman a clef use the interaction of real characters as the main theme, bringing out the circumstance and interpersonal relationship of the characters in the book. Because of the autobiographical novel and the roman a clef should base on author's individual will, life experience and personal value. For this reason, this kind of literary works always, inevitably, highly similar to the real facts. As the above-noted, these kind of literary works often have the condition of "highly similar to real person" and "being based on real story." Therefore, the characters inside the books will be connected to specific real person by readers. Readers will presume the real person's life experience by the novel and will encroach on real person's rights. We will be struck by a dilemma. When the author writes the novel, he must build the fictional world by real world. This is the expression of his own personal will and his right of expression and right of speech. However, when it comes to the person who is insinuated by the novel, the disclosure about real character's private information will violate privacy and reputation. This article begins by introducing and examining two cases that provide a window into contemporary privacy tort law in the United States and the Federal Republic of Germany. The subject matter of the cases also proves quite similar; in each, a plaintiff object to an author's sharing of intimate details about him or her with the public. The American decision, Bonome v. Kaysen, concerned a memoir that revealed numerous intimate details of the author's life with plaintiff. The German decision, the Esra opinion, concerned a novel that depicted the author's relationship with his girlfriend and included many intimate details about them. |