題 名 | 重新檢討原住民自製獵槍之管制與處罰=A Review on Regulation and Punishment of Indigenous Self-Made Hunting Firearms |
作 者 | 許恒達; | 書刊名 | 臺灣原住民族研究 |
卷 期 | 7:3 2014.11[民103.11] |
頁 次 | 頁121-152 |
分類號 | 536.33、536.33 |
關鍵詞 | 原住民; 自製獵槍; 供生活之用; 制式獵槍; 狩獵資格; 後膛槍; Indigenous people; Self-made hunting rifle; For the purpose of life supply; Standard firearms; Hunter qualification; Breech-loading firearms; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 最高法院於102年年底自為判決(最高法院102年度台上字第5093號刑事判決),認定原住民自製並持有具有殺傷力的後膛獵槍及其子彈,屬於原住民文化實踐的範圍,故不成立犯罪。該判決對於原住民自製並持有獵槍的法律疑難提出了全新解讀。本文寫作目的,即在最高法院判決的發展脈絡下,檢討最高法院近期判決走向,並對於文化意義的獵槍管制應採取何種態度及立場,最後在可能範圍內提出未來修法的建議,其中將著重於制式獵槍開放、狩獵資格取得與文化活動事由等三大議題。 |
英文摘要 | At the end of 2012, Taiwan's Supreme Court ruled that indigenous people who possess or produce self-made hunting breech-loading firearms and bullets were not guilty because these belong to cultural activities of indigenous people. This article reviews the recent decisions of Taiwan's Supreme Court thereafter, analyzes the cultural background and meaning of hunting firearms regulation, and tries to bring some legislative proposal for future legal amendments. The main points of further discussions will focus on decriminalization of standard firearms' possession, the hunter qualification as well as hunting in cultural meanIng. |