題 名 | 德國高等教育國際化框架之分析=An Analysis of the International Framework of Higher Education in Germany |
作 者 | 張源泉; 余啟名; | 書刊名 | 教育資料與研究 |
卷 期 | 115 2014.11[民103.11] |
頁 次 | 頁131-167 |
分類號 | 525.0943 |
關鍵詞 | 德國教育; 高等教育; 國際化; German education; Higher education; Internationalization; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 近年來德國高等教育作了大幅度的改革,其中國際化就是一個 重要的趨勢。為明瞭此改革政策,本文透過文件分析法,先探究高等 教育國際化之動因,其次再從國際層面、國家層面與大學層面,闡述 德國高等教育之國際化框架。在國際層面上,經濟合作與發展組織、 聯合國教科文組織與歐洲聯盟,是德國高等教育國際化的重要參考指 標,尤其是跨境高等教育品質之指導方針與「歐洲高等教育區」之目 標。在國家層面上,最直接相關的部門為聯邦教育與研究部、外交部, 其國際化政策著重於使德國成為世界的菁英中心,且為了與國際化進 程接軌,德國進行學士/ 碩士分級制改革,並透過中介機構,如歌德 學院等,發揮其文化影響力。在大學層面上,透過「高等教育英語化」 以及高等教育之進出口加以推動;但外國教育機構對於德國的進口, 僅扮演著微不足道的角色,而且在出口、授予海外學位方面,德國的 表現稱不上積極。最後以洪堡大學為例,其為了促進大學的國際化, 從學習場所國際化、學生來源國際化、教學方式國際化、研究合作國 際化等方面來推動。 |
英文摘要 | An important aspect of higher education reform in Germany in recent years has been the promotion of internationalization. This paper, through document analysis, attempts to examine the causes of this trend and describe the movement on the international, national, and university levels. On the international level, the principles laid out by international organizations are important indicators of internationalization such as those by OECD, UNESCO, and EU, and particularly those cross-territorial guidelines such as the European Higher Education Area. On the national level, the two government departments most directly involved with internationalization are the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the Foreign Office, both of which have adopted internationalization policies intending to make Germany one of the leading destinations for international students. Current plans include adopting the widely used system of separate degrees at the bachelor’s and master’s levels, as well as promoting German culture through intermediary organizations such as the Goethe Institute. On the university level, universities are promoting increased usage of the English language in teaching and research as well as more international exchange programs. The Humboldt University of Berlin is cited as an example for its effort on internationalization, includingencouraging foreign student enrollment, promoting internationalizedteaching methodologies, and engaging in international research projects. |