題 名 | 大專院校適應體育課程實施情形=Adapted Physical Education Curriculum Implementation in College |
作 者 | 陳詠儒; 闕月清; | 書刊名 | 中華體育季刊 |
卷 期 | 28:4=111 2014.12[民103.12] |
頁 次 | 頁263-268 |
分類號 | 525.3993 |
關鍵詞 | 高等教育; 體育特殊教育班; 身心障礙; 特殊教育; 師資培育; Higher education; Adapted physical education for special needs students; Disability; Special education; Teacher education; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 進入大專院校就讀的身心障礙學生逐年增加,為瞭解我國大專院校適應體育課程實施情形,本文查詢教育部大學院校課程資訊網,瞭解體育特殊教育班開設情形,並回顧教育部「學校體育統計年報」,統整大專院校適應體育統計結果。歷年來開設體育特殊教育班的大專院校持續增加,目前開設者已達半數以上(59.21%),身心障礙學生修習體育課程有多元的選擇。但大專院校適應體育發展仍有待改善之處,如專業教師與支援人力的聘任、無障礙環境設施的改善,以及各單位間的溝通合作。建議未來深入探究我國大專院校適應體育課程與教學情形,並積極發展我國適應體育師資培育制度與專業證照,以促進師資專業化;此外亦須重視運動場館與設施的無障礙化。 |
英文摘要 | The number of students with disabilities enrolled in higher education institutions (HEI) has been rising. The purpose of the present study was to examine the status of adapted physical education (APE) in college. Data were collected from the university course website established by Ministry of Education and the annual statistics report on physical education. It was found that 59.21% of HEI in Taiwan offered APE course currently, which means more than half of colleges provided students with disabilities options to attend the general PE course or the APE course. However, the development of APE course in HEI still has rooms for improvement, such as recruiting professional instructors and supportive assistants to reach appropriate teacher-student ratio, better the least restrictive environment on campus and encouraging the cooperation and communication among different units. In-depth study on status of APE instruction and curriculum is recommended. Furthermore, more efforts should be channeled into developing APE teacher education system and professional license, to promote the professionalization of APE teachers and instructors. The accessibility of sport buildings and facilities should also be emphasized. |