題 名 | 記憶.地方.城市--「周夢蝶文本」再現的詩人形象與街道空間=Memory, Place and City Image: Imagery of Poets and the Representation of WuChang Street in "Chou Meng-tieh's Text" |
作 者 | 廖堅均; | 書刊名 | 臺灣詩學學刊 |
卷 期 | 24 2014.11[民103.11] |
頁 次 | 頁7-45 |
分類號 | 863.51 |
關鍵詞 | 周夢蝶; 武昌街; 臺灣現代詩; 地方感; 臺北書寫; Chou Meng-tieh; WuChang Street; Modern Taiwanese poetry; Sense of place; Memory of Taipei City; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 臺灣詩壇著名詩人周夢蝶(1921-2014),一生行止堪稱傳奇。於武昌街騎樓擺售了21年的舊書攤,更是六、七○年代臺北市重要的文化地景。關於此一文化現象的記憶與書寫,反覆出現在其他詩人所創作的「周夢蝶文本」之中。本文即試圖以此觀察他人記憶中再現的周夢蝶形象如何參與武昌街的地方建構,甚而改變了一條平凡街道的身世歷史?首先,「周夢蝶文本」中再現的詩人形象具有類傳記的性質,聚焦於詩人的重要特徵,街頭詩僧的形象即是經由反覆書寫而成為地方建構的重要元素;其次,經營書攤與人際交遊的日常生活實踐,將詩人與街道一同刻劃進他人記憶之中,進而形成「周夢蝶文本」透過書寫將庶民的街道文化敘事覆蓋上官方的街道象徵系統的地方建構過程,周夢蝶形象的凝定作用即是武昌街地方建構中重要的一環;其三,武昌街詩人身影的凝定與想像,使得空間文本的意義被轉換,武昌街在「周夢蝶文本」反覆書寫中進入文化象徵系統,進而在臺灣文學與城市歷史中闢建了這條街無可取代的意義與價值 |
英文摘要 | Chou Meng-tieh (1921-2014) is a celebrated poet in modern Taiwanese poetry and also a legendary. He made a living by operating a second-hand book stand in an arcade of WuChang Street from 1959 to 1980. The memory of him and his works appeared frequently in the works of other poets, although he himself seldom describes these themes, and are edited into 'Chou Meng-tieh text', referring to Chou Meng-tieh's image and personal life. This paper aims to discuss not only the "sense of place", which is a concept of Human Geography, but the change of imagery in the history of WuChang Street which are presented in these poems. This thesis aims to explain the imagery of the poet, which includes the element of place construction. In addition, according to the construction, 'Chou Meng-tieh text' replaced the official street name (WuChang), which represents collective memory of the common people. The conclusion is presented as follows: 'Chou Meng-tieh text' influenced WuChang Street to becoming an important symbol in the history of Taiwan literature, as well as the irreplaceable culture landscape of Taipei city memory |