題 名 | 利用FDM模式分析河床揚塵--以大甲溪為例=Analysis of Fugitive Dust from Riverbed Using FDM: A Case Study of Ta-Chia River |
作 者 | 林德貴; 劉昱麟; 黃隆明; 劉文宗; | 書刊名 | 水土保持學報 |
卷 期 | 43:3 2011.09[民100.09] |
頁 次 | 頁239-258 |
分類號 | 443.64 |
關鍵詞 | 揚塵模式; 揚塵排放率; 揚塵PM10濃度; FDM; Fugitive dust model; Emission rate of fugitive dust; PM10 concentration; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究將以大甲溪出海口至后豐大橋間之河段作為揚塵數值分析範圍,並採用揚塵模式 (Fugitive Dust Model,以下簡稱FDM)來進行河床裸露地微粒土砂之擴散行為數值模擬。FDM 屬計算型空氣品質模式,採用高斯擴散模式來模擬逸散性污染物之擴散行為。首先,本研究彙 整選定之研究區域現地地文參數與氣象資料,隨之,以室內風洞實驗數據,建立河床裸露地揚 塵量與風速之關係後,一併輸入FDM 中以模擬河川揚塵因風特性影響而擴散之趨勢,並與空 氣品質測站之觀測值進行比對,驗證模式及輸入參數之適宜性。此外,本研究亦使用ArcGIS 地理資訊系統平台作為揚塵PM10 濃度(簡稱揚塵濃度或PM10 濃度)模擬值之後處理程式,並探 討河川揚塵擴散與風特性之關係及揚塵對於鄰近地區影響程度。最後,再針對揚塵敏感區域來 進行貢獻量分析,以便作為未來河川揚塵總體防治策略擬定及揚塵抑制工法配置之參考。 |
英文摘要 | This study selected the downstream reach of Ta-Chia River between estuary and Hou-Feng Bridge as a study area and performed a numerical simulation on the dispersion behavior of fugitive dust released from the bare lands of riverbed using Fugitive Dust Model (FDM). FDM is a computational air quality model using the Gaussian dispersion model to simulate the dispersive behavior of emissive pollutant. Integrating thetopographic information and meteorological data with the relationship curve between fugitive dust emission rate and wind velocity from the laboratory wind tunnel tests, one can simulate the dispersion potential of fugitive dust of Ta-Chia River. Meanwhile, the distribution of annual average PM10 concentration of simulations which processed by the geographic information system ArcGIS were compared with those of observations to verify the suitability of the numerical model and the associated input model parameters. At last, the simulation results of the fugitive dust potential of riverbed can be implemented as a reference to the planning of preventive strategy suitability of inputparameters and the validity of numerical model. In addition, this paper also investigates the relationship between fugitive dust dipersion and wind characteristics and the influence of fugitive dust on the nearby regions susceptible to fugitive dust disaster. At last, the contribution of fugitive dust from each individual river segement to the regions was analyzed and the analysis results can be implemented as a reference to the planning of preventive strategy and the construction of countermeasure for fugitive dust control. |