題 名 | 小蝦米對大鯨魚:戲智科技的軟硬體整合之路=David and Goliath--The Way of BungBungame Towards the Integration of Software and Hardware |
作 者 | 余佩儒; 魏聰哲; 林峻暉; | 書刊名 | 產業與管理論壇 |
卷 期 | 16:4 2014.12[民103.12] |
頁 次 | 頁86+88-102 |
分類號 | 553.9 |
關鍵詞 | 利基市場; 軟硬整合; 新創企業; Niche market; Software and hardware integration; New venture; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 位於南港軟體園區的戲智科技,創立於2008年,其成功發跡是在2009年6月,一款名為「Hunting」的小遊戲。戲智科技初期以軟體為其核心技術,業務範圍涵蓋接單代工、設計代工到自有品牌,尤以自製軟體占六成。2011 年跨入硬體產業,成立硬體部門,並在2012 年發表第一款平板電腦「Photon」、第二代「MiSS」。有別於一般製造業者試圖走向提供更多的服務,由軟體起家的戲智科技,究竟憑藉著何種能耐跨足平板電腦,這隻小蝦米又要如何對抗大鯨魚?不同於平板電腦領導業者(如蘋果、亞馬遜等)以B2C 市場為主;戲智科技的平板電腦主攻B2B 利基市場;針對客戶軟硬全包,現階段已打入國內多家知名連鎖餐飲與醫院,並積極搶攻美、日市場。對其他以B2B 市場為目標的平板電腦業者來說,他們沒有軟體開發的能力,而是找全面性解決方案服務的公司開發軟體程式,再搭配自己的平板;另外一群找其他硬體業者搭配的軟體業者,皆無法在價格及軟體服務方面與戲智科技競爭。易言之,戲智科技憑藉著軟硬整合的優勢,成功走出一條屬於自己的平板電腦B2B 利基市場之路。而戲智科技的靈魂人物徐三泰在一次次的成長高峰上,毅然決然追求下一個高速成長離開智冠科技自行創業切入手機APP 軟體、軟體營收賺的利潤投入平板電腦的研發與製造。讓人不禁好奇,對戲智科技而言,下一個高速成長又是什麼? |
英文摘要 | BangBangame Inc., which is located at Nangang Software Park, was founded in 2008. The success of BangBangame began with the game, called “Hunting” in June 2009. In the early phase, the core competence of BangBangame is software, with the business covering OEM, ODM and OBM, especially the self-made software accounting for 60%. In 2011, BangBangame set up hardware unit to extend itself into hardware industry, and launched the first generation of Tablet Personal Computer (Tablet PC, in short), called “Photon”, and then the second one, named as “MiSS”. Normally, manufactures tempt to provide more service; however, BangBangame, who focuses on software originally, goes toward a different way of offering Tablet PC as well. The questions are: what competence does BangBangame own? How could this small new venture fight with big companies such as Apple and Amazon? The key strategy of BangBangame is aimed at the niche market of B2B, instead of B2C. BangBangame provides the offering, including software and hardware integration, and targets the local chain restaurants and hospitals as clients, and then eagers to broaden other markets in United States and Japan. There are the other competitors whose emphasis is on B2B market. Type one is the manufacturer of Tablet PC who doesn’t have the ability to develop software; it needs to cooperate with other software companies. Type two is the software company who has to work with the other manufacturer of Tablet PC as well. The above two types could not beat BangBangame in terms of price and software service. In short, BangBangame, based on the strength of software and hardware integration, successfully finds a way of niche market—B2B Tablet PC. Among this case, the key character of BangBangame is San-Tai Hsu. He always decides to fight for the next high growth at the peak of growth. For example, he left Soft-World International Corporation and started his own business on mobile software; he invested the production and R&D of Tablet PC from the revenues of software. We wonder: what’s the next high growth for BangBangame? |