題 名 | 明治時期《臺灣教育會雜誌.漢文報》日臺漢文交流的多重意涵=Multiple Readings of Interrelations between Japan and Taiwan in Classical Chinese in the "Taiwan Educational Association Magazine Chinese Version" of the Meiji Period |
作 者 | 廖振富; 張明權; | 書刊名 | 臺灣文學研究學報 |
卷 期 | 19 2014.10[民103.10] |
頁 次 | 頁145-189 |
分類號 | 050 |
關鍵詞 | 臺灣教育會雜誌.漢文報; 日臺漢文交流; 殖民現代性; 三屋大五郎; 梁啟超; Taiwan Educational Association Magazine Chinese version; Interrelations between Japan and Taiwan in classical Chinese; Colonial modernity; Mitsuya Daigoro; Liang, Qi-chao; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 《臺灣教育會雜誌.漢文報》是日治時期「日台漢文交流」的重要媒體,該刊主要內容包括傳統漢詩文與現代教育的啟蒙知識兩大領域。本文將以明治時期《臺灣教育會雜誌.漢文報》為範圍,針對上述兩大類型的內容進行分析。包括藉由漢文學知識之引介與詩文創作,日人與台人進行交流之實際樣態為何?從知識傳播共享到詩文締交,其背後隱藏何種政治與文化意識?而掌握編輯與書寫權的日人編輯群,一方面以漢文為抒情及論述之媒介,極力展露其精湛的漢學造詣,使台人信服而倍覺惺惺相惜;一方面又透過論述文章,宣揚帶有殖民思維的現代性理念,以遂行其殖民目的,「漢文」在日人筆下充分彰顯其複雜多重的性格,難以簡單定位。更值得玩味的是,筆者發現該報主編三屋大五郎,曾巧妙挪用梁啟超在日本發表的文章,企圖改造台人之傳統習俗,其意義尤堪深思。1895年以後,台灣、中國、日本之間,在文化與政治場域充滿複雜的糾葛,而透過《臺灣教育會雜誌.漢文報》大量漢文文本的刊載與傳播,這些複雜面向究竟反映了哪些文化意涵?以上種種提問,將是本文重心所在。本文首先檢討回顧相關研究成果,隨後討論《臺灣教育會雜誌.漢文報》的沿革與宗旨,以奠定基礎認知。至於論述主軸,則涵蓋「傳統漢詩文交流」與「現代性知識傳播」兩大部分,前者以「台日漢文交流之樣態與多重意涵」為題,下分三點:「漢詩文知識傳播交流及資料來源」、「詩文交流的雙面性:從籠絡同化到尋求文學知音」、「在台日人展示漢文造詣及其意圖」,後者「現代性啟蒙知識的導入及其駁雜性」,則分別從以下三個面向進行分析:「殖民現代性的導入」、「所謂『除三害、興三利』」、「梁啟超〈禁早婚議〉被抄襲挪用的複雜意涵」。 |
英文摘要 | The "Taiwan Educational Association Magazine Chinese version" was an important press in the Japanese colonial period of Taiwan regarding the interrelations between Japan and Taiwan in Classical Chinese. It contained two main areas of classical Chinese poetry and essays, and modern educational enlightenment. This paper analyzes the two areas by focusing on the magazine during the Meiji period. It asks questions as follows: How is the interrelation shaped by introducing classical Chinese knowledge and literary works? What kind of political and cultural ideas lie behind knowledge dissemination and literary network? The works of classical Chinese decipher a complicated picture in which two sides of colonial governance can be found. On the one hand, Taiwanese were convinced by the Japanese editors in charge of editing and writing, who showed off their refined capability of classical Chinese lyrics on purpose. On the other hand, classical Chinese, particularly essays, was used for colonial ruling by promoting modernity. What is more interesting is that the chief-editor, Mitsuya Daigoro, intended to transform traditional Taiwanese customs by adapting Liang, Qi-Chao's essays published in Japan. The paper provides a cultural reading by looking into cultural and political phenomena in the magazine regarding complicated relations between Taiwan, China and Japan. The paper starts with reviewing current relevant research work and discussing the formation and objectives of the magazine. It continues to focus on two parts of interrelation of classical Chinese literary works and modern knowledge dissemination. The former includes three aspects: 1. The dissemination and resources of classical Chinese knowledge, 2. Two sides of the interrelation: from assimilation to appreciation, 3. The skill demonstation of classical Chinese and its intention by Japanese in Taiwan. The latter entitled "the introduction and complex of modern intellectual enlightenment includes 1. The introduction of colonial modernity, 2. Promoted "pros and cons," 3. The adaption of the essay "On forbidding early marriage" by Liang, Qi-chao. |