題 名 | 能源決策困境與參與式科技評估之展望=Dilemmas of Energy Policy Making and the Prospects for Participatory Technology Assessment |
作 者 | 范玫芳; | 書刊名 | 國家發展研究 |
卷 期 | 13:1 2013.12[民102.12] |
頁 次 | 頁1-40 |
分類號 | 554.68 |
關鍵詞 | 科技評估; 能源政策; 審議民主; 公民參與; 科學民主化; Technology assessment; Energy policy; Deliberative democracy; Public participation; Democratization of science; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 當前能源政策以及政策環評制度設計強調專家評估,未能涵蓋社會多元價值的對話與公民實質參與在決策。本研究旨在檢討我國能源發展決策現況問題,對照歐美國家科技評估經驗,探討推動參與式科技評估之可能方向。本研究採取文件資料分析以及焦點團體法,輔以訪談資料,呈現政策利害關係人對決策現況以及未來發展科技評估機制的看法。本文凸顯當前能源與核能決策過程的主要問題,包括由上而下的結構性困境、資訊和專業不對稱與缺乏互信、參與形式設計與溝通品質不良,以及公民參與徒具形式且與決策連結不足。本文指出未來推動參與式科技評估的可能想像與面臨的挑戰,主張建構以大學為中心的平台模式,朝向公領域導向的參與式科技評估,並強化課責性與聽證制度。 |
英文摘要 | The current energy development policy process, including nuclear energy decision-making and the EIA, emphasize expert assessment. Public participation in energy policy making is still limited, thus failing to broaden social dialogue and seek consensus. This study examines the current problems of energy development and nuclear energy decision-making in Taiwan and explores possible directions for institutional change in participatory technology assessment. The main problems with current energy and nuclear power decision-making are examined, including: the top-down structural predicament; information asymmetry and lack of trust; the problem of the participation process and poor quality of communication; and a lack of decision-making links. This paper assesses the prospects and challenges of participatory technology assessment, and argues for university-platform mode and public sphere-oriented participatory technology assessment, as well as for strengthening accountability and the hearing mechanism. |