題 名 | 書香遍九重:國立故宮博物院圖書文獻館之典藏述論=Sanctuary of Knowledge: Discussion and Description on the Modern Books in the Collection of the National Palace Museum Library |
作 者 | 葉淑慧; | 書刊名 | 國家圖書館館刊 |
卷 期 | 103:1 2014.06[民103.06] |
頁 次 | 頁101-125 |
分類號 | 024.85 |
關鍵詞 | 國立故宮博物院圖書文獻館; 博物館出版品; 圖書館館藏; National Palace Museum Library; Museum publications; Library holdings; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 國立故宮博物院典藏深具特色的中國皇家珍藏,為提供故宮院內同人文物研究之參考,並增進學術研究之風氣,1965年於書畫處下設置圖書室;1968年增設圖書文獻處,並成立對外開放閱覽之現代圖書館隸屬其下,至1996年正式更名為「圖書文獻館」。圖書文獻館成立至今將屆50載,經年來提供海內外研究中國藝術、工藝、清史、古籍版本目錄、金石考古、文物維護與保存等領域之專門學術圖書與參考資源。本文介述圖書文獻館所典藏之近、現代圖書,針對其核心特色與特殊資料類型,歸納與論述之特點如下:(一)中國藝術與文物研究之堂奧,(二)中國清史與宮廷文化之探秘,(三)中國古籍目錄與版本研究之殿堂,(四)《四庫全書》研究之淵藪,(五)故宮文物精華之全覽,(六)中國家族譜牒文獻之尋溯,(七)亞洲文化與藝術研究之珍寶,(八)博物館與藝術行政學研究之特色,(九)中國藝術拍賣圖籍之賞鑑。筆者論述本文,旨在提供今世治學研究、熟諳中西目錄與學術內容,期各界讀者能有效運用所藏,促使圖書文獻館開展與檢視其專業學術典藏領域,更加深化圖書文獻館的庋藏特色與內涵,與各國先進博物館圖書資訊交流及館際合作,以發揚圖書館之館藏特色。 |
英文摘要 | The National Palace Museum houses the distinguished Chinese imperial collection. To provide research references for the Museum curators and to promote academic research atmosphere, the reading room was established in the Painting and Calligraphy Department in 1965. The Department of Rare Books and Document s was established in 1968 with an affiliated modern library open to the public. The library under its administration has been open officially renamed as "National Palace Museum Library" (圖書文獻館) to the public since April 1996, offering a brand new atmosphere of service. The establishment of the library is now near 50 years. During this period the library has provided specialized academic books and reference resources in Chinese art and crafts, Qing history, rare book editions and ancient Chinese bibliography, epigraphy and archaeology, artifacts conservation and preservation, etc. This article introduces modern books in the collection of the National Palace Museum Library and according to its core, characteristic and specialized collection of books, generalizes and discusses as follows: (1) The wonders of the studies of Chinese art and artifacts, (2) A probe into Chinese Qing dynasty history and court culture, (3) The hall of the studies of Chinese rare books editions and ancient Chinese bibliography, (4) The sanctuary of Si-ku chuan-shu (Imperial edition of Complete Collection of the Four Categories, 四庫全書) studies, (5) An overview of the master works in the National Palace Museum collection, (6) The trace of Chinese genealogy documents, (7)The treasure of the studies of Asian art and culture, (8) The features of museum studies and arts management , (9) The connoisseurship of Chinese Art auction catalogues. The author's intent of writing this article is to provide the most updated research and to help familiarizing Chinese and Western bibliographies of Chinese art and the humanities, and academic content, then hope that readers can utilize the library's collection more effectively, to induce the library to develop its collections in specialized academic fields, and to deepen the characteristic and content of the "National Palace Museum Library." |