題 名 | 大學生在精油按摩之經絡能量與自律神經變化之研究=A Study of Essential Oils Massage on College Students Based on the Observation of Meridian Energy and Autonomic Nervous System |
作 者 | 許藝菊; 許晉維; 周明慧; | 書刊名 | 南臺學報 |
卷 期 | 39:1 2014.03[民103.03] |
頁 次 | 頁1-17 |
分類號 | 418.997 |
關鍵詞 | 芳香療法; 自律神經; 精油按摩; 精油; 良導絡; Aromatherapy; Autonomic nervous system; Massage oil; Essential oil; Ryodoraku; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究利用芳香精油按摩,觀察其對人體經絡能量及自律神經前、後影響之效果,數受測者為20名南臺科技大學學生,操作者2名 (A組及B組),進行平躺、及兩位操作者個別進行按摩與精油按摩,每位受測者會有5次受測機會。實驗數據呈現當受測者在平躺狀態下心率變異數(HRV)就會上升,經絡平均能量則下降;而受測者A組HRV下降,經絡平均能量上升。我們發現到每作一次按摩與精油按摩高/低比值都有愈趨近於一的平衡趨勢,顯示按摩與精油按摩使經絡的高值與低值差異愈來愈小,身體經絡趨於平衡。本研究將南臺大學生於2010年、2012年及2013年資料之經絡能量做比較,發現:(a)、2010年量測總人數78名大學生,虛證15人(19%)、正常範圍46人(59%)、實證17人(22%),正常值比例占大多數,實證比例亦高於虛證者;(b)、2012年量測人數為22名大學生,虛證17人(77%)、正常範圍2人(9%)、實證3人(14%),虛證人數占大多數,(c)、2013年量測總人數20名,虛證人數14人(70%)、正常範圍6人(30%);實證0人(0%),在2013年除了虛證居高不下,實證人數也明顯大幅減少。歷年經絡能量平均值,從2010年50.28±29.92μA、2012年29.29±30.59μA、2013年24.06±12.52μA,經絡平均能量有逐年下降的趨勢。雖然三筆資料樣本數不同,然而能呈現在三年期間學生經絡能量值明顯偏離正常值,而且是趨於虛證的狀態。 |
英文摘要 | This study observed the effects of aromatherapy oil massage on human body, based on the measurements of meridian energy and autonomic nervous system before and after the interventions. Experimental results were obtained from 20 subjects (college students) and 2 operators (operator A and operator B). For the control group with subjects lying on the back only, their values of HRV rose and the average energy meridians decreased. However, the subjects in group A had a decreasing HRV and increasing average energy meridians. It’s predicted that long term oil massage can achieve physical health as a result. In addition, after repeating message and oil message, the high/low ratios of meridian energy for the subjects were getting more and more balanced. Furthermore, people are labeled (considered) unhealthy when their average meridians energy is either greater than 64μA or less than 30μA. On the other hand, people are usually considered normal when their meridian energy is between 30 and 64μA. This study demonstrated that the subjects, one week after essential oil messages, became healthier with normal meridian energies. It indicates that long term aromatherapy oil massage can achieve better physical health as a result. Finally, the meridian energies of the college students between year 2010, 2012 and 2013 were compared. The average values decreases significantly, which are 50.28±29.92μA (2010), 29.29±30.59μA (2012) and 24.06±12.52μA (2013). |