- 學童步行通學最佳環境安全路徑之研究--以臺中市上石國小為例
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題 名 | 學童步行通學最佳環境安全路徑之研究--以臺中市上石國小為例=A Study on the Evaluation of the Most Adaptable Schooling Pedestrian for Shang-Shih Elementary School |
作 者 | 謝政穎; 謝竺君; | 書刊名 | 建築與規劃學報 |
卷 期 | 15:1 2014.06[民103.06] |
頁 次 | 頁43-59 |
分類號 | 528.38 |
關鍵詞 | 多準則決策評估模式; 學童步行通學; 分析階層程序法; 最佳環境安全路徑; 評估指標與方案選擇; Multi-criteria decision making; MCDM; Pedestrian planning; Analytical hierarchy process; AHP; The adaptable environmental safety path; Evaluation indicators and alternatives; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 近年來相關研究逐漸重視學童通學的課題,學童因身體的脆弱性及注意力不易集中、道路設施認識不足、商家及攤販私自占用騎樓及人行道等因素導致學童交通安全事件頻繁,使得家長接送比例提高。但相關研究指出長期接送易影響學童人格發展與對周遭環境的學習,故本研究採用多準則決策評估模式(MCDM),並透過文獻回顧分析提出「學童步行通學最佳環境安全路徑評估指標」,以三項構面、十三點評估因子及三條通學方案,由環境規劃專家進行分析階層程序法(AHP)評比,求得評估指標相對權重與最佳通學路線,研究結果顯示指標構面以「人行空間(人行道與騎樓)」獲得最高權重為0.537,評估因子以「人行空間系統的連續性」為整層級排序第一,權重值為0.250,最佳評選方案以「方案一」的權重值最高為0.414,顯示學童通學環境應強調人行空間規劃與改善並以學童步行特性進行規劃,提供步行通學的安全環境設施。 |
英文摘要 | In recent years, many research emphasized on pupils go to school. Children characteristics, road environment and private occupancy have caused many traffic accidents. So that the proportion of parents transport them to school has increased, but it will affect children behavior. The Multi-Criteria Decision Making model (MCDM) was used as the main method for this study. The empirical study selected three routes, three dimensions and thirteen evaluation factors and used Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to obtain the relative weight of evaluation indicators and the adaptable or suitable route. The results showed that the highest weight is the space of pedestrians (sidewalk and arcades) (0.537), continuity of pedestrian space systems (0.250) and alternative ONE (0.414). Thus, planners should consider the characteristics of the children and the surrounding pedestrian space and environment. |