題 名 | 更審議的公民,更開放的公共--公共新聞與公民新聞相互關係的思考=More Deliberative Citizens, More Public Openness: Considering the Interrelationship between Public Journalism and Citizen Journalism |
作 者 | 胡元輝; | 書刊名 | 新聞學研究 |
卷 期 | 119 2014.04[民103.04] |
頁 次 | 頁81-120 |
分類號 | 891 |
關鍵詞 | 公民新聞; 公共新聞; 代議民主; 直接民主; 審議民主; Citizen journalism; Deliberative democracy; Direct democracy; Public journalism; Representative democracy; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 1980年代末期興起的公共新聞經歷蓬勃發展後已失去動能,世紀之交崛起的公民新聞目前則在全球進行各種形式的實驗。本文試圖經由理論及歷史的爬梳,釐清兩者間的關係及其在民主機制的意涵。本文認為,時間上前後接續的這兩種新聞理念雖未必存在理論發展的必然關係,卻具有相互啟示意義:具有直接民主精神的公民新聞,可以吸納公共新聞所蘊涵的審議要素,而具有審議民主精神的公共新聞則可取法公民新聞彰顯的開放原則,共同成為新聞生態更具活力的成員,並對民主政治發揮更為積極的貢獻。 |
英文摘要 | Public journalism, which started in the late 1980s, has lost its momentum after experiencing a period of flourishing. Citizen journalism subsequently emerged at the turn of the 21st century, and is currently being subjected to various experiments. In this paper, we attempt to clarify the relationship between public journalism and citizen journalism, and their respective implications for the democratic mechanism, by scrutinizing media theories and history. Although these two schools of journalism followed each other in chronological succession, they might not have any causal relationship between them regarding their theoretical development, but they may have a significant mutual influence. Citizen journalism, which exemplifies the essence of direct democracy, can absorb the deliberative element entailed in public journalism. Public journalism, with its deliberative spirit of democracy, can emulate the principle of openness demonstrated in citizen journalism. Thus, both schools of journalism can thrive in the contemporary news environment, and contribute actively to democracy. |