題 名 | ICT建構智慧城市創新服務與場域實證--以智慧觀光服務成果為例 |
作 者 | 梁哲瑋; 裘以嘉; 羅國書; 吳念祖; | 書刊名 | 國土資訊系統通訊 |
卷 期 | 86 2013.06[民102.06] |
頁 次 | 頁23-34 |
專 輯 | 智慧城市與GIS |
分類號 | 448.6 |
關鍵詞 | 智慧觀光服務; 創新服務; 智慧城市; ICT技術; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 根據 Giffinger 在歐洲實施的智慧城市 (Smart City) 評估指標[1],智慧城市有六個 維度,涵蓋領域相當廣泛,觀光是重要領域之一。本文以工研院執行 i236 智慧生活 科技運用計畫在智慧觀光領域的成果為案例,介紹將 ICT 技術應用於觀光產業,打造 智慧生活體驗場域基地,推動新興服務實地試點,開發各種新體驗、新型態服務解決 方案,並育成地方新興服務生態體系 (Ecosystem) 雛型,開創國內新興智慧生活服務 產業。該計畫建構了 KIOSK 2.0、臺灣遊證、電子觀光護照、Access Taiwan、時空導 覽五個智慧城市創新服務。智慧觀光服務推動過程中發掘出區域整合經營之趨勢與需 求,如何透過科技整合場域觀光 Ecosystem 促成跨業合作、整合觀光平台及多元金流 服務、藉由科技化解決 Cold Start 問題皆為智慧觀光發展之重點,該計畫執行期間亦 成功驗證電子觀光護照服務,並促成智慧觀光暨消費之新創公司成立,本研究期能透 過匯整之案例,做為各城市提振觀光產業營收,建構智慧城市發展的重要策略參考依 據。 |
英文摘要 | Giffinger defined 6 main dimensions of smart cities in “Ranking of European medium-sized cities” [1] report. Tourism is one of the important aspects of smart city. In this paper we introduce smart tourism services of the i236 project executed by Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI). And how information and communication technologies (ICT) were applied to tourism industry, and the experience of building up Living Lab for innovative smart living services. Here we introduced 5 smart city innovative services including KIOSK 2.0, Electronic Travel Passport, e-Postcard, Access Taiwan and Spatial-temporal tour guide. In i236 project, ITRI discovered user’s need and evolving trends and build smart tourism ecosystem to form precompetitive alliances. ITRI has developed a smart tourism platform with various payment tools integration to support Living Lab validation. Besides, A new start-up company, a platform operator for smart tourism and smart commerce services, was successfully incubated by the project. We hope this paper can provide an important strategic viewpoint for future smart city development. |