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題 名 | 英國高等教育學費與助學政策之改革=A Study on Policy Reform of Higher Education Tuition Fees and Financial Support or Assistance Schemes for Students in the United Kingdom |
作 者 | 楊瑩; 黃家凱; 馬扶風; | 書刊名 | 比較教育 |
卷 期 | 75 2013.11[民102.11] |
頁 次 | 頁1-47 |
分類號 | 525.721 |
關鍵詞 | 大學學費政策改革; 助學措施; 英國; 高等教育; Policy reform of university tuition fees; Financial support or assistance schemes for students; United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; Higher education; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究是以文件分析法,針對英國高等教育學費政策之改革與助學措施之因應變革進行檢視。全文先簡扼說明英國政治、社會與經濟等背景,其次說明英國高等教育體制、現況與財源結構,接著再分析英國高等教育學代及助學政策之發展與改革,以及2012年學費政策之改革為英國高等教育所帶來的影響。最後,針對英國高等教育學費政策改革的主要特色進行歸納,並提出可供我國參考借鏡之處。因英國政府表示, 2012 年的最新學費改革政策是以英格蘭地區為主,其他地區(威爾斯、蘇格蘭及北愛爾蘭)是否跟進,可由各地政府自行決定,故本文相關政策的分析,除非特別註明區域,原則上均是指英格蘭地區。 |
英文摘要 | This study mainly, via adopting the method of document analysis, aims to explore the policy reform of higher education tuition fees and related financial support or assistance schemes in the United Kingdom (U.K.). This paper is divided into five sections. Firstly, it starts with an introduction of social, political, and economic background of the U.K. society. After briefly explaining the current higher education system and provision, as well as financial structure of higher education in the U.K., the third section focuses on the analysis of development and policy reform of university tuition fees and related financial support or assistance schemes for students in the UK., After analyzing the impact of 2012 tuition reforms on higher education in the U.K., a summary of major characteristics of the policy reform of higher education tuition fees in the U.K. is concluded, and related suggestions are proposed. Since the U.K. central government has given certain powers to devolved governments after 1999, and the most recent reform of university tuition fees, introduced by the 2011 “Higher Education: Students at the Heart of the System” white paper mainly applied to England, the discussion of policy reform of tuition fees in this paper is focused on the area of England mainly, unless otherwise noted. |