題 名 | The Virgin Mary and Creation: From the Church Fathers to Chiara Lubich=童貞瑪利亞與創造:從教父時代到盧嘉勒 |
作 者 | 余哲安; | 書刊名 | 哲學與文化 |
卷 期 | 40:10=473 2013.10[民102.10] |
頁 次 | 頁71-101 |
專 輯 | 盧嘉勒合一思想 |
分類號 | 242.291 |
關鍵詞 | 聖母瑪利亞; 盧嘉勒; 創世; 中世紀; 教父; 三位一體; 美; 合一; 偕同救贖; 被離棄的基督; 淒涼的瑪利亞; Virgin Mary; Chiara Lubich; Creation; Medieval; Patristic; Trinitarian; Beauty; Unity; Co-redemption; Jesus forsaken; Mary desolate; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 盧嘉勒的寫作數量可觀,其中一部被稱為〈1949天堂〉,是一系列研究瑪利亞的文章,描述盧嘉勒1949到1951年之間經歷的神秘啟發,當時普世博愛運動才剛開始不久。本文將討論盧嘉勒如何就教父的幾篇重要文章,闡明瑪利亞代表的意義。筆者將設法證明盧嘉勒完全被納入天主教的一項傳統中。這項傳統始於殉道士游斯丁和愛任紐在公元三世紀的著作,主張瑪利亞是新夏娃,後來像君士坦丁堡的蒲洛克勒斯和克里特島的安德魯這樣的人,繼續把傳統延續了數百年,特別是東正教教會的讚頌傳統。後來到了拉丁中世紀,也有些文字(尤其是坎特伯里的安瑟倫和聖伯納德的著作)進一步說明盧嘉勒和教父傳統如何一致。然而,筆者主張盧嘉勒的洞見帶來了一些新意,尤其是關於她如何理解耶穌在十字架上被離棄的哀嚎,和瑪利亞和兒子一起受苦,並同意喪失她的神聖母性時的淒涼,有著什麼樣的關係。筆者將設法證明盧嘉勒對這些事件的新理解,已經深刻影響了有關瑪利亞的許多學說問題,包括她沒有原罪,她對救贖的協助,以及她在耶實現耶穌被釘十字架所帶來的救恩時扮演的角色。但更重要的是,在某些方面,盧嘉勒讓我們知道唯有在淒涼中因為對神的愛而失去神,瑪利亞才最充分地反映出她虛己的精神,這種精神是三位一體這種融貫關係的核心,指點我們如何在人世間實現三位一體的愛,並以共同創造者的身份參與創世的更新與轉變。 |
英文摘要 | Among the considerable body of writings by Chiara Lubich known as "Paradise'49," which describe the mystical illuminations that she experienced between 1949 and 1951, shortly after the birth of the Focolare Movement, are a series of texts on Mary. In this paper I shall discuss Lubich's illuminations on Mary apropos some fundamental texts of the Church Fathers. I shall seek to show how Lubich is entirely inserted into a tradition that begins with the writings of Justin Martyr and Irenaeus on the Virgin as the New Eve in the third century and that continues in the coming centuries, particularly in the encomiastic tradition of the Eastern Churches, in the likes of Proclus of Constantinople, Andrew of Crete and many others. Later, in the Latin Middle Ages, one also finds a number of passages, most notably in Anselm of Canterbury and Bernard of Clairvaux that further illustrate the degree to which Lubich is in line with Patristic tradition. Yet, I shall argue, Lubich's insights add something new, particularly with regard to her understanding of the relationship between Jesus's cry of abandonment on the Cross and Mary's desolation as she participates in the agony of her Son and assents to the loss of her Divine Motherhood. I shall seek to show that Lubich's new understanding of these events has profound implications for a variety of doctrinal matters concerning Mary, including her freedom from sin, her co-operation in the Redemption, and her role in actualising the grace unleashed by Christ's sacrifice. But more importantly than this in some respects, Lubich shows us how it is through losing God out of love for God in her Desolation that Mary most fully mirrors the kenosis that lies at the heart of the perichoretic relations of the Trinity and offers us a model of how we may live Trinitarian love on earth and participate as co-creators in the renewal and transformation of Creation. |