題 名 | 移動式生質燃氣系統整合與應用=Mobile Biomass Syngas System Integration and Application |
作 者 | 陳義信; 林廷章; 賀克勤; 楊智綱; | 書刊名 | 新新季刊 |
卷 期 | 41:3 2013.07[民102.07] |
頁 次 | 頁16-25 |
專 輯 | 國防科技研發在綠能產業的應用 |
分類號 | 400.15 |
關鍵詞 | 生質能源; 生質物; 燃氣系統; 氣化爐; 向下抽氣; Biomass energy; Biomass; Syngas system; Gasifier; Downdraft; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究是以向下抽氣(Downdraft)方式,將生質物(Biomass)利用燃燒氧化及還原反應,轉化成含有氫氣、一氧化碳及甲烷之混合可燃氣體,並經過濾系統,將水氣及焦油有效甩除,獲得乾淨且乾燥之可燃氣體。該混合燃氣可直接提供火源或熱源之應用,亦可導入發電機進行發電,結合微電網儲能技術,藉由與市電併聯方式,建構成穩定電力之生質燃氣發電及儲電系統。移動式生質燃氣系統與微電網儲電系統整合,機動性高,一般除可提供偏遠地區廉價民生燃氣及電力外,遇重大災難時更可適時移至災區提供生活、醫療、通信及救災之緊急電力。該生質燃氣系統兼具林業與農業廢棄物等回收處理及能源生產的雙重效益,為軍民通用科技應用樹立一個良好的典範。 |
英文摘要 | The process for solid biomass transformed into the syngas by downdraft gasifier is investigated in this paper. Biomass gasification is incomplete combustion resulting in production of syngas consisting of carbon monoxide (CO), hydrogen (H2), and methane (CH4). The syngas from the gasifier can be used for direct heat application or in internal combustion engine of electric generator. The system is easy to move and can offer gas for cooking and emergency electricity for living, medication, communication. The system has benefits of agriculture and forest junk recycle and energy production and becomes a model for dual-use technology application. |