題 名 | 問題導向網路學習系統應用於國小五年級資訊素養與倫理之研究--著作權單元為例=A Study of Developing the Problem-Based Learning System on Information Literacy and Ethic Curriculum for Fifth-Grade Students: Applying on the Internet Copyright Courses |
作 者 | 侯政宏; 崔夢萍; | 書刊名 | 教育傳播與科技研究 |
卷 期 | 104 2013.06[民102.06] |
頁 次 | 頁17-36 |
分類號 | 198.3129 |
關鍵詞 | 問題導向學習; 網路學習系統; 資訊素養與倫理; 網路著作權; Problem-based learning; Learning system; Information literacy; Internet copyright; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究目的為發展網路問題導向學習系統,並運用於國小資訊素養與倫理之網路著作權課程,探討其對學童學習之影響。研究採準實驗研究法,參與對象為臺北市某國小五年級六個班級共162位學童,分為控制組(傳統教學組)、實驗組兩組(面對面問題導向學習組、網路問題導向學習組),實施八週之資訊素養與倫理議之網路著作權課程。學生在實驗教學前後進行網路著作權認知成就測驗測驗,實驗後實施問題導向學習態度量表,並以隨機抽樣方式進行半結構式訪談,線上討論進行內容分析。研究結果發現:一、在網路著作權認知表現方面,網路問題導向學習組學生顯著優於面對面問題導向與控制組學生;二、學生對於問題導向學習具有正向的學習態度,網路系統討論能讓學生主動建構學習知識,且有助於小組合作討論;三、線上討論內容以知識內容及小組互動為主。本研究結果支持網路問題導向學習為一促進學生資訊素養與倫理課程之有效模式。 |
英文摘要 | The purposes of this study were to develop the problem-based learning (PBL) system and to apply in the information literacy and ethic curriculum for fifth-grade students. The quasi-experimental research was implemented for eight weeks in the study. There were 162 fifth-grade students in six classes were assigned to the following groups: the experimental group 1 for face-to-face PBL learning, the experimental group 2 for web-based PBL learning, and the control group for receving traditional instructions. The problem-based learning system provided the six phases for facilitating students’ problembased learning skills, including: (1) the problem analysis stage, (2) the data collection stage, (3) the applying stage, (4) the comprehensive stage, (5) the outcome stage, (6) the reflect stage. The results of the study were shown as follows:1. In terms of internet copyright concepts, the results revealed that the students in webbased PBL learning group performed significantly than the students in the face-to-face PBL learning group and the control group.2. Students in web-based PBL learning group and the face-to-face PBL groups showed the positive attitude toward the PBL learning. The results revealed that the cooperative learning process in the PBL provided the opportunities for facilitating students to share and discussions.3. The results indicated that students’ online discussion were more on the ”knowledgerelated topics” and ”group-interaction talks.” |