題 名 | 臺灣宗教管理研究中之宗教文化創意產業課題的發展面向=The Development of the Studies on Religious Management and the Creative Religious-Cultural Industries in Taiwan |
作 者 | 林湘義; |
書刊名 | 輔仁社會研究 |
卷 期 | 3 2013.01[民102.01] |
頁 次 | 頁65-110 |
專 輯 | 社會關懷 |
分類號 | 213.4、213.4 |
關鍵詞 | 宗教管理研究; 宗教文化創意產品; 宗教文化創意產業; 宗教文化工業; 宗教使命管理; Religious management studies; Products of cultural and creative industries of religions; Cultural and creative industries of religions; Religious and cultural industry; Religious mission management; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究從宗教管理研究的途徑出發,思考了宗教組織、宗教型非營利組織與宗教文化創意產業的相關性,並探討了宗教節慶類、慈善與文化傳播類、戲劇與藝術類、網路虛擬寺廟類以及宗教認同與商品結合類等宗教文化創意產品之研究成果與文獻,進而探究宗教文化創意產業課題在宗教使命、產值、產業分析、產品型態、產品功能、宗教文化整合創意行銷、宗教文化創意品牌經營等方面主題之發展面向。以下是本研究之發現:首先,由於宗教文化創意產品有生命週期,因此面對產業內與產業間的競爭,應善用宗教管理知識與整合行銷與品牌經營策略,提升宗教品牌內涵,建立宗教文化品牌之品牌知名度、品牌忠誠度、品牌價值以發展宗教文化創意產業,並達成宗教使命。其次,宗教文化創意產品須深植於宗教精神價值與神聖性,內蘊形上學人類學(metaphysical anthropology)之意涵,並能「器以載道」承載其宗教使命,更應強調宗教神韻,使不致流於宗教商品化的境地,與淪為法蘭克福學派下的文化工業意涵。再者,宗教文化創意產業課題研究成果俱豐富多面向特色,並可將目前宗教文化創意產業研究課題成果分為宗教節慶、慈善暨文化傳播、戲劇藝術、網路虛擬寺廟及宗教認同與產品化結合等類項。此外,在宗教文化創意產業產品的多元面向發展中,特別是宗教節慶、網路虛擬寺廟及宗教認同與產品化結合等類項,應注意不可模糊其宗教使命與神聖性。最後,宗教文化創意產業年產值達三千五百億台幣,經濟規模與產值龐大,並呈向上成長趨勢,對兼具宗教與管理知識跨領域訓練之人才需求相當殷切。然而,關於宗教文化創意產業課題之討論,大眾傳播系所、企業管理系所與藝術管理系所已有不少研究成果的呈現,然而非營利組織系所與宗教系所對此課題投入尚有相當成長的空間。此外,在宗教文化創意產業理論建構上,宗教相關系所應是責無旁貸地須以更多的研究能量投入此課題,以能同時在實務與理論層面,協助宗教組織暨宗教型非營利組織發展推動宗教文化創意產業。 |
英文摘要 | This study is based on the relationships among religious studies, business management, and cultural and creative industries in order to examine the functional systems of business, and the correlation between the management function system and religious management studies. To facilitate the examination of cultural and creative industries of religions in religious management studies, we properly define religious organizations, religious nonprofit organizations, and cultural and creative industries of religions.We further examined the range of topics concerning cultural and creative industries of religions and religious festivals, demonstrating the diverse aspects of cultural creativity of religions. The results of this study show: 1. Products of cultural and creative industries of religions are deeply rooted with religious spiritual values and sanctity, serving as methods to carry out religious missions without becoming commercialized. 2. Products of cultural and creative industries of religions have a life cycle of their own, and when faced with competition within or between industries the industry will transform or evolve into new competition strategies. 3. Holidays and festivals of religious groups have formed an alliance with the travel and tourism industry, establishing an international travel market, developing cultural and creative industries of religions, and using a combination of marketing strategies with media and political advantages. Such action should express the originality and sanctity of religions and cultures instead of merely considering the economic growth and industrial development. This is an aspect that must not be overlooked while examining issues of religious festivals and cultural and creative industries of religions. 4. Religious management studies and studies of cultural and creative industries of religions are both interdisciplinary and new academic fields. 5. As output of the global cultural industry continues to increase, the output of cultural and creative industries of religions will unceasingly expand. |