題 名 | 印順法師思想精義之辯證=Dialectic of Ven. Yin-shun’s Essence of Buddhist Philosophy |
作 者 | 林建德; | 書刊名 | 法印學報 |
卷 期 | 1 2011.10[民100.10] |
頁 次 | 頁145-183 |
分類號 | 220.9208 |
關鍵詞 | 印順法師; 人間佛教; 俗化; 修證; 中國佛教; 如來藏; Yin-shun; Humanistic Buddhism; Worldly Tendency; Liberation; Chinese Buddhism; Tathāgatagarbha; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 印順法師的佛學思想在漢語佛學界引起關注,雖得到多數人的贊同,但隨之而來的反省或批判聲音也屢見不鮮;但其中多少的評判是合理而恰當的,則有待作進一步檢視。本文即是就四點對印順法師的質疑進行探討,不只不承認印順法師人間佛教思想帶來「俗化」的佛教信仰,反倒認為避免佛教走向俗化,需要的正是印順法師之見識;其次,不只反對印順法師不重視佛法「修證」的認定,反而認為印順法師高度看重修證,而且他的思想也在指引人如何正確走向修證之路;第三,指出印順法師對中國佛教乃是愛深責切,他並不是對漢傳佛法一昧的否定和擯斥,而是指出漢傳佛教傳統的偏失和限制,以期懲前毖後而振興佛法;第四,相較支那內學院和日本「批判佛教」認為如來藏思想不是佛教,印順法師對如來藏經教乃是相當重視的,而視為是整體佛法中不可或缺的一部份。 |
英文摘要 | The thoughts and ideas of Ven. Yin-shun have attracted much attention within Chinese Buddhist circles. While many appreciate his insights, criticism of his views is not entirely uncommon. In this article, I look at whether or not these responses are grounded, and accordingly, I will address the following four points: Firstly, I believe the argument that Yin-shun’s “Humanistic Buddhism” leads to deeper worldly concerns is unfounded, mainly because his insights are precisely an antidote to regressing to the mundane realm. Secondly, I argue that the view that Yin-shun places insufficient emphasis on the liberation practices of the Buddha Dharma is erroneous, and I try to show that his teachings do in fact offer keen insights into the pursuit of liberation. Thirdly, I endeavor to show that Yin-shun never launched an attack on the tradition of Chinese Buddhism viciously. In fact, he attempted to find ways to ameliorate and revive Chinese Buddhism. Lastly, I point out that contrary to the views of the China Buddhist College and Japanese Critical Buddhism, Yin-shun highly valued the teachings of the tathāgatagarbha and moreover held them to be essential to a comprehensive system of Buddhist theory. |