題 名 | 田代安定にみる恒春と八重山--「牡丹社事件」と熱帶植物殖育場設置の関連を中心に=Tashiro Yasusada's Surveys in Koushun and Yaeyama: Consequences of the "Mudan Society Incident" for the Foundation of the Koushun Tropical Botanical Laboratory |
作 者 | 大浜郁子; | 書刊名 | 民族學界 |
卷 期 | 31 2013.04[民102.04] |
頁 次 | 頁219-246 |
分類號 | 673.214701 |
關鍵詞 | 田代安定; 田代文庫; 恒春熱帶植物殖育場; 八重山; 舊慣調查; 旧慣調查; Tashiro Yasusada; Tashiro Library; The Koushun tropical botanical laboratory; Yaeyama; Old custom surveys; |
語 文 | 日文(Japanese) |
中文摘要 | 田代安定是1880 至1920 年代在沖繩與台灣進行「舊慣」調查的官員。有關近 代日本針對沖繩與台灣的統治政策的關聯,既有的研究雖曾詳盡指出,但實證性的 研究卻不夠充足。到目前為止,筆者是以教育政策為中心,主要運用「台灣總督府公文類纂」,進行日本第一個殖民地台灣與早於台灣的沖繩兩者的統治政策與比較研究。其結果,從人際關係上確實清楚顯示在教育方面兩地域統治政策的關連性,特別是把沖繩的統治政策作為台灣的先行典範。在進行這樣的比較研究過程中,筆者認為近代日本與沖繩、台灣的關係追溯到肇始的時間點並加以探討是有其必要。因此已著手研究的是「牡丹社事件」。有關此一事件,在政治外交史與軍事史的領域上,雖然累積了諸多研究,但筆者是從不同於過去的研究角度,由身為當事者的琉球島民與「原住民」的雙方來解讀事件,以導入新的視點,闡明本事件中從來未曾有的見解。即,多數的漂流民並非漁民,而是琉球王府的官員,以及事件發生的場所不是牡丹社而是高佛社的可能性很高,又「原住民」保護漂流民之後,將漂流民當作物品意圖做交換卻失敗,而演變為出草的可能性等,這些是可以推翻一般說法的成果。因此,在本稿中將著眼於田代安定,根據現存於日本與台灣有關他的履歷書與報告書等,介紹他在沖繩與台灣所進行的「舊慣」調查的一部分。有關田代的相關資料,則有台灣大學圖書館特藏室所典藏的「田代文庫」。以清楚分析由「田代文庫」資料所見的田代安定舊慣調查全貌為前提,根據現存的公文書,透過探討田代 的經歷以及在沖繩與台灣的調查經過,這是闡明田代安定在兩地域所進行的「舊慣」調查一部分時所不可或缺的。而在本稿中筆者認為,藉由探討田代之經歷來看沖繩與台灣的「舊慣」調查,對於解釋後來作為統治政策的一環,並於各方面大規模實施的「舊慣」調查的全貌有著相當的關連。 |
英文摘要 | TASHIRO Yasusada was a government official who surveyed the “old custom” in Okinawa and Taiwan between the 1880s and the 1920s. Previously, the author conducted the comparative research on Japan’s ruling policy, especially its education policy, on Taiwan (Japan’s first-ever colony) and Okinawa (its “preliminary experiment”),by consulting the Public Documents of the Governor General of Taiwan's Office. The research on human relationship revealed the relevance of these two regions in the education policy, particularly the fact that the policy on Taiwan was modelled on Okinawa. Since this research convinced the author of the necessity of tracing the relationship between Japan and Taiwan to the very beginning, a new research on the” Mudan incident” was undertaken. The author made an attempt to reconstruct this incident by investigating both the Okinawan and the Taiwanese sides. According to this new perspective, the author concluded the following points: (1) many of the “castaways” were not “fishermen” but the officials of the Ryukyuan Kingdom; (2) the incident seems to have happened in “Gaoshifo Village” rather than “Mudan Village”; (3) there is a possibility that after saving the “castaways” the “aborigines” attempted to exchange goods with them, but failed, which eventually led to the “headhunting”. Accordingly, based on his personal records and reports located in Japan and Taiwan, this article describes the wide range of TASHIRO Yasusada’s surveys, including of plants and of the “old custom”, in Yaeyama of Okinawa and Hengchun of Taiwan. Regarding historical sources on him, the National Taiwan University Library Special Collection holds the “Tashiro Library”. Referring to some of its documents which have never attracted historians’ attention, this article argues that the “Mudan incident” influenced not only Tashiro’s motive for moving from Okinawa to Taiwan but also his foundation of the Tropical Botanic Laboratory in Hengchun. This is a basic research for clarifying the full picture of Tashiro’s “old custom” surveys. In future research, it will be essential to investigate his career and his surveys by consulting the existing public records in order to elucidate his “old custom” survey. This research on Tashiro’s “old custom” surveys in Okinawa and Taiwan will be the first step towards the revelation of the full picture of subsequent larger-scale “old custom” survey conducted in various places as part of Japan’s ruling policy. |