題 名 | 第三輩達賴喇嘛與文化交流=The Third Dalai Lama and Cultural Interaction |
作 者 | 陳又新; | 書刊名 | 輔仁歷史學報 |
卷 期 | 30 2013.03[民102.03] |
頁 次 | 頁57-90 |
分類號 | 226.96 |
關鍵詞 | 藏傳佛教; 文化交流; 蒙族; 藏族; 漢族; 明朝; 達賴喇嘛; 索南嘉措; 俺答汗; 仰華寺; The Dalai Lama; Bsod nams rgya mtsho; Altan Khan; Chabchiyal Temple; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 格魯派是藏傳佛教中最晚興起的一派,到了十六世紀期間,該派在西藏地方政權與不同宗派的壓縮下,面臨了發展上的困境。格魯派所屬的哲蚌寺在該派初期採取師徒相傳的繼承制度之外,首次採用向外尋找轉世靈童作為傳承法座的繼承人,而所尋獲與獲得支持該派僧、俗承認的轉世靈童就是索南嘉措。格魯派在尋找轉世靈童的過程中,顯示出轉世靈童與其出身家族關係密切,而在該派全力栽培下,索南嘉措逐漸成為該派當時舉足輕重的人物。正當索南嘉措聲望日隆之時,在1577年,他34歲時,應蒙古土默特部俺答汗之邀,離開西藏前往青海弘法,並獲俺答汗贈與達賴喇嘛尊號,自此藏傳佛教中有了達賴喇嘛的名號以及以此名號的轉世系統,後人追溯索南嘉措為第三輩達賴喇嘛。在第三輩達賴喇嘛索南嘉措的影響之下,俺答汗命其子於青海湖邊建寺,並請明廷提供人力、物力,技術等協助建成當地第一座格魯派寺院-仰華寺。兩人在仰華寺會面期間,除互贈名號之外,俺答汗公開廢除蒙古族的泛靈信仰,改崇藏傳佛教,並制定法律,通行於其所統轄境內。此後,索南嘉措在青、康與蒙古地區弘法,並與明廷聯繫,受封名號,直到圓寂。本文即以索南嘉措的活動為主軸,在當時格魯派宗教內部與世俗勢力競合的錯綜複雜關係下,敘述此段期間中,蒙、藏、漢等族在文化交流中,所留下的歷史佳話。 |
英文摘要 | The Ge lug pa was the last sect established in the history of Tibetan Buddhism. Over the course of the sixteenth century, its development faced the pressures of different sects and local political powers. Drepung Monastery, a Ge lup pa school in the Lhasa area, changed the tradition of having its abbots choose and then mentor their own disciples to succeed them. Rather, for the first, the abbot was selected from among the reincarnated. In the process of locating the reincarnated abbot, called ”bsod nams rgya mtsho,” original family ties were minimized and this leader became a pivotal figure for the entire Ge lug pa sect. In 1577, when bsod nams rgya mtsho was 34 years old and now famous in Tibet, he accepted an invitation from Altan Khan of the Tomoto Mongolians to leave Tibet to travel to Kokonor. At this meeting, he received the title ”Dalai Lama”-a new title which established a new lineage in Tibet. The succeeding bsod nams rgya mtsho was respected as the third Dalai Lama in this lineage.Under the influence of the third Dalai Lama bsod nams rgya mtsho, Altan Khan not only let his son build the first Ge lup pa’s temple near Kokonor, but also requested workers, material, and technical support from the Ming court. Altan Khan and bsod nams rgya mtsho granted each other honorable titles. In addition, Altan Khan proclaimed that Mongolians within his territory had to give up their faith in Samas and convert to Buddhism instead. From this point, bsod nams rgya mtsho spread Tibetan Buddhism throughout the Kokonor and Khams areas, as well as made contact with, and received titles from, the Ming court. This study examines the activities of bsod nams rgya mtsho during this period of cultural interaction between Mongolians, Tibetans, and Han Chinese. |