- 中子的發現--眾裡尋它千百度,多年苦覓終現身
- 充裕、高效的能源--蘊藏在原子核中的能量
- Characteristics of the Total Disintegration of AgBr Nuclei by [fed6]Mg and 阝S Nuclei at 4.5 A GeV/c
- 類比對應對學生建構“原子結構”心智表徵之影響
- 中子散射國際合作研究成果報告
- 中子散射在結構生物學研究上的應用
- Quarks in Nuclei: From Nucleens to Dense Stars
- J-Dependence for the (3He,d)-Reaction on Light Nuclei
- Study of Longitudinal Momentum Distribution of 昰Be and 勄Li
- A New Look at Resonance Near 750 keV in the Transition Nucleus 231Th