題 名 | 漢代樂府詩夸飾之藝術=The Arts of Exaggeration in the Yue-fu Poems of Hang Dynasty |
作 者 | 陳昭伶; | 書刊名 | 龍陽學術研究集刊 |
卷 期 | 7 2012.12[民101.12] |
頁 次 | 頁45-66 |
分類號 | 821.721 |
關鍵詞 | 漢代; 樂府詩; 敘事詩; 夸飾; Hang dynasty; Yue-fu poems; Narrative poems; Exaggeration; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 漢代樂府詩與古詩的主要差別在於敘事,記敘事件即有故事情節,寫人則有鮮明人物形象,情節不必如小說鋪陳渲染,人物不必如小說細膩刻劃,樂府詩如何僅以精簡文字凸顯內容?樂府能「敘述生動」的部份,乃因「恰當地運用誇張手法加以渲染」。樂府的「敘事詩」有剪裁精當、對話傳神、敘述生動等三大特色,無論是內容上的去蕪存菁,取材上的簡潔凝練,對話上的自然真實,還是敘述上的靈活鮮明,廣泛運用夸飾的寫作技巧,因此樂府的篇製一般不長,敘事卻能鏗鏘有力,塑造人物形象也能立體鮮明,吸引讀者目光、讓讀者印象深刻。本文將其夸飾內容分類分析,期望探討敘事詩之夸飾技巧,以便挖掘兩漢樂府更多藝術特色。 |
英文摘要 | The different between the Yue-fu poems of Hang dynasty and narrative poems is the skills of exaggeration. When we use those skills, the poems could be read as emotional as we can.This article takes a focus on the arts of exaggeration when the writers in Hang dynasty wrote the poems. Through the analyzes in the poems of Hang dynasty, we can learn more and more about the skills that had offered people to be relaxation. |