- 互動式電子白板融入國小高年級視覺藝術教學之實驗研究
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題 名 | 互動式電子白板融入國小高年級視覺藝術教學之實驗研究=An Experimental Study on Integrating Interactive Electronic Whiteboard into Elementary Visual Arts Instruction in Taiwan |
作 者 | 高震峰; 吳維慈; | 書刊名 | 藝術教育研究 |
卷 期 | 24 2012.12[民101.12] |
頁 次 | 頁1-45 |
分類號 | 521.53 |
關鍵詞 | 藝術教育; 數位學習輔具; 互動式電子白板; 資訊科技融入教學; Art education; Digital learning device; Interactive electronic whiteboard; Integrating information technology into instruction; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 數位革命的浪潮於全球展開,各式數位學習輔具為教學帶來新的樣貌。近年間新興的數位學習輔具─互動式電子白板,即帶動了教學現場的改變。互動式電子白板具備多元教學功能,並能連結網際網路,援用各類影音資源,形成人機、人際間的高互動教學環境。本研究之目的即在探討互動式電子白板的學習機制,探究其於視覺藝術教學的應用功能與價值,採用不等組前、後測之研究設計,以臺灣國小六年級學生為研究對象,瞭解互動式電子白板融入視覺藝術教學對學生學習態度、學習成效以及學習反應的影響。進行研究時,實驗組學生接受互動式電子白板融入之視覺藝術教學,對照組學生接受非互動式電子白板融入之視覺藝術教學。研究結果顯示,接受互動式電子白板教學的實驗組學生在學習態度、學習成效以及學習反應上均顯著高於對照組學生,並對教學有正面的學習回饋。期望透過本研究,能對我國視覺藝術教學在數位時代下的發展,有所助益。 |
英文摘要 | The innovation and application of digital technology has deeply changed people's daily life and learning paths. As a result, different digital learning devices have had a great impact on educational settings, and one of these is the interactive electronic whiteboard (IWB). Due to its flexibility and versatility, IWB facilitates the highly interactive classroom that possesses both human-computer interaction and interpersonal communication. The purpose of this study is to explore the learning attitude, learning effectiveness, and learning response of integrating IWB into the visual arts curriculum by conducting the nonequivalent pretest-posttest control group design as research method. Two sixth grade classes from a Taipei city elementary school were chosen as subjects. One class was randomly selected as the test group, and another as the control group. The test group was given the IWB visual arts curriculum, and the control group was given the non-IWB visual arts curriculum. This study found that there were significant improvements in the performance of the learning attitude, learning effectiveness, and learning response in the test group that was taught using IWB. Findings and further research will contribute to the improvement of art education, and thus fulfill the goal of a more dynamic art teaching methodology and content in the information age. |