題 名 | e碼當先--行動化購物比價系統=Bar Code First--A Mobile Comparison and Shopping System |
作 者 | 樊祖燁; 郭正華; 陳一心; 吳佳倫; 李郁琪; | 書刊名 | 致理學報 |
卷 期 | 32 2012.11[民101.11] |
頁 次 | 頁181-202 |
分類號 | 490 |
關鍵詞 | 雲端科技; 條碼; 智慧型手機; 藍海策略; 綠色科技; Cloud technology; Bar code; Smart phone; Blue ocean strategy; Green ICT; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 網路已成為全球成長最迅速之消費通路,如何在眾多的網路商店中能迅速地找到消費者中意,且性價比高的產品,便成為網路消費者的願望。因此本研究設計了一個快速又便利的行動化購物比價系統,「e碼當先」以滿足消費者之需求。本系統利用手機拍攝功能結合雲端科技技術,帶給網路消費者迅速有效的產品資訊。網路消費者除了能了解產品之詳細資訊以進行線上購物外,更能整合各種網路購物平台功能。直接進行線上比價及獲知商品所在店家地址。「e碼當先」是在中華電信的雲端伺服器租賃一個資料庫,並將合作廠商的商品資訊放置雲端資料庫再整理編排成各項產品資訊,讓持有智慧型手機的消費者可透過手機拍攝消費者想購買之產品條碼,用「e碼當先」之應用程式轉換成可辨識的條碼數字,傳送到雲端,雲端資料庫在找到相對應之產品資料,回傳給消費者該商品的價格及相關資訊,消費者可透過本系統全天候取得想購買之產品相關資訊,未來並能直接進行線上購物。廠商則藉由「e碼當先」增加產品曝光率,使消費者能有更多的選擇空間。本系統賺取了點擊費用,廠商也可藉由知道消費者心中的購物意願及想法而使三方都受益。 |
英文摘要 | The Internet has become the world's rapidest growing sales channel. How to let e-shop consumers quickly find their wanted and cost-effective products will become the desire of the consumers. Therefore, this study designed a fast and convenient mobile system "Bar Code First” with the functions of comparison and shopping to meet the customers’ requirement. The system is combined a mobile phone camera with the cloud technology to provide consumers more quickly, efficiently product information. The customers not only can do the online shopping but also to save money. In addition to the shopping function, the system can integrate various features of shopping platform to provide the comparison products and inform the stores location map for customers." Bar Code First" is a database rented from Chunghwa Telecom's cloud server. It collects the product information from manufactures and organizes all information into the sytem. The consumers can get their wanted information by taking a picture of the product bar code. he bar code can be recognized by Bar Code First and send the result to the serve to get the corresponding product information then send back to the consumers. The consumers can obtain the product information all day from the system and can buy the product in the future. Manufacturers can increase product exposure by "Bar Code First", consumers have more choices, the system earned the click costs, and manufacturers know the latest information of consumer psychology. All three parties have benefit. |